Not sure if there is another term for this but how do you prevent this when glassing the nose or pin tails? I guess it’s not a big deal since this can be sanded later but is there a method to prevent this while cutting the cloth or glassing (or both)? Thx!
I prefer to call them “snots”. Relief cuts, and cutting triangles at the tip of the nose or pin will allow them to sit flat. You can also try to work them flat before the resin kicks.
I prefer to “Pickem’ and Flickem’”
Only the nose boogers.
I don’t touch the tail ones.
Take a small patch of thin .4 mil painters plastic. Apply it to the wet resin and pull it tight. Just like a band aid. Pull it off when the resin is dry.
I think the technical term for those is ‘‘Cling-ons.’’ (not to be confused with the ones from Star Trek)
And if you do decide to go for the tail… like my gramdpa always told me. You always pick your nose BEFORE you pick your butt…
…is very simple: cut the glass better; however, you should sand it down anyway, so the most important factor is to check for tiny bubbles (specially on tinted jobs) that love to appear.
I use resin research Epoxy. When it’s still rubbery and sticky i just press it flat. If it doesn’t stay down the first time wait a few minutes and try again. The resin will get tackier as it sets up.