nose and tail thickness

i’m shaping a longboard, 9’10…sort of basing it on a nuuhiwa shape i guess. my center is now down to 3", and 1ft in from my tail and nose they are both around 2". should i stop here? there’s a consistent flow in the bottom and deck and the foil seems to be decent. i was just curious how thick the nose and tail should generally be?

Put board on end and take both hands and glide them up and down your shape - you will get instant feedback. At my first thought, 2-inches is a little too thick but it depends on what you’re trying you’re trying to acheive - performance, noserider, etc.

i’m trying to achieve a decent noserider. i’ve felt the whole thing like you said, but still hard to judge. it is certainly thicker than my other two longboards…

the end of the nose should get very thin…and PINCH OUT THOSE RAILS!!!..this makes it harder to define “thickness” at a given point, because thickness and shape at the rail is key for how the board will cut thru water

Walk, don’t run, down to your local board shop and take some visual and (maybe, if they let you) physical dimensions of a nose rider you like. If you can’t do that, stop a friend or someone where you surf and do the same thing. If having trouble, get (or make) some sort of caliper and use that for your measurements. Don’t rush your shaping! Better to have too thick than too thin, if you know what I mean. Remember, one of the keys in a nose rider is the tail - make sure there’s a kick in the last 24 inches or so. Give yourself a flat nose too. Not too much overall rocker. There’s tons of info in the archieves. Also, go talk story with fellow nose riders - we LOVE to do that!

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