Nose needs surgery. Amputate or Repair?

Long time visitor and reader, first time poster… Here it goes:


So I shaped, painted, and glassed this board (thanks to all you helpful people giving excellent instructions) and busted it on the second outing it ever had. The board is about 6’0" and it broke 4 inches from the nose. 








Its not a super clean break, mostly because it heads down the lap line for a moment there. The reason it broke, and this is a critical piece of info, is because the stringer has a knot in it. In the picture you can see the dark secion of the stringer 

right next to where it snapped. The stringer busted all the way through and the glass on the bottom of the board is fractured. The glass on the top of the board is still in tact. 



Being that its a new, still cripy white in color, I am debating trying to fix it (re-support the stringer, fill the tears, and reglass: which will undoubtedly have some astetic flaws) or chopping the 4 inches off and reshaping the nose (never really a good idea or easy task). 


Just looking for some input… lets take it to a vote. I promise i’ll update as I go.








Here was the beast before its injury:






fix it…

I just cant see it breaking there even with a knot in the stringer,,, sure you didnt hit someting?

eather way I would resin it back together ,, sand it down to the glass and re glass the area,, double glass it.

cool paint job

Even if its not a clean break. Fix it because it’s the easiest of all breaks.  Its only 6" just think how hard it would be to fix one broke in the middle

Glue it, prep it, wrap it and sand it. Go surf

Nice looking board

I had one of those, this is what I did.  One less eye-poker in the lineup! (George Greenough asked me to do this)