Nose repair help

Hey, everyone, I need some guidance fixing a board that was damaged during a move. Unfortunately, I currently live in Arkansas so I can’t bring it to a shop for some hands-on advice. Heres the issue. It looks like the board bag was dropped nose 1st. I started the repair and the glass on the deck separated cleanly from the foam the glass on the nose has few solid cracks but is solid attached to the foam and the shape of the foam is good (I only realized this after sanding) I’m wondering should I continue and try to sand the glass away from the foam? or should I just glass over the cracks? Or should I do something different entirely?

And yes living in Arkansas sucks and I miss this ocean


Those are nice pics but the camera is so darn close I can’t see what I’m seeing, but anyway I would just sand the area around the damage, glass over with 3 or 4 layers of 6 oz. glass (whatever is needed to build it out to the point you could fair it in) and burgundy resin, sand and blend everything in, a final coat of clear over the repair, and wetsand / polish to blend. Or glue that piece of glass back on with resin and thickener, then sand and glass over the repair with tinted resin, finish as above.

BTW, it wouldn’t hurt to spend a little time over at just reading and researching. No charge to look.

Thanks for the reply, I’ll take some more pics tomorrow. Idk how I missed board lady. 

Other things that are helpful when asking for advice on repairs: what is your skill & experience building and repairing surfboards? What kind of shop setup do you have? What level of aesthetic are you striving for (i.e. a showroom finish or just a watertight daily driver?)

As far as my experience goes, I’ve shaped  and glassed around eight boards. I’ve done a handful of dings but mostly just on the bottom, I’d like to get this to look as good as possible since it’s on the nose and I’m gonna be staring at it. Also I have trip to Mexico first week of march! I have all my tools from building boards, but when we moved I got rid of all the stuff you collect like excess foam, cloth etc.