Noserider Template

Just curious if anyone has any tried, and true noserider templates they would be willing to mail on some butcher paper. Having tried a few of my own, a few from blending curves, still not feeling quite satisfied. This would be my 3rd noserider build attempt, (for personal use only). 10’2" B starter blank, thinking 9’8"-10’0" long, 24" wide, maybe slight spoon nose, very little nose rocker. Anyways let me know if anyone has. Thanks again in advanced for any help. Can also be any outlines from some tried and true non-homeade shapes as well.

Do you have a friend with a board like you want or can borrow for a few minutes? I use a pool cue, could be any long stiff thin thing. Tape or rubber band a pencil on the end get a piece of MDF or two under the board with pillows or foam pads to hold the MDF up to the bottom of the board. Stand on the board with the Shape Stealer and trace the out line on the MDF. Cut with a scroll saw and sand back to the line then you have a permanent template of the board you want.

Agreed would be a great idea. Issue is many of my friends only ride short-boards. Have no problem mailing someone a few $$ if it is a legitimate template trace. Just looking for quality, and its hard to get hands on some of those classic boards on the east coast.

Where on the East Coast are you?  Maybe you can connect with someone local.

I have a 60’s Bing NR template and a couple others if that is what you are looking for. PM & let me know.