Not another surftech *PIC*

Here’s my latest hollow… 7’2" Hollow Carbon Fiber / Balsa & Cedar…

beautiful board paul… how long does it take you to make one?

Looks real good. real good.

bitchin’ board Paul!By the way, the video is on it’s way…(pac. vibrations) Matt

Unreal Board! how do they float! i mean will that length float 165 lbs or what? how long to build ----reminds me of high performance sailplanes—light and strong and pretty too`! Pacific Vibrations Video??? i want one !!!

Paul “Michelangelo” Jensen, Absolutely Beautiful !!!

Without a doubt, unvariably this is ALWAYS the first question I’m asked about the boards…Why is time the always the first consideration…??? …It takes about a week, working before and after my real job as a carpenter, to get one to the point of the board being ready for glassing…I don’t think it’s possible to just start one and power on it till it’s done…There are multiple stages of construction which require glue or resin to dry before proceeding…So I do a little in the morning, let things set up, and work on it again after I come home…It works out pretty good… Most of the framework goes pretty quick (if you know what you’re doing), but building the rails can easily take a full day…Count the layers, each one gets glued with contact cement, and that stuff takes at least 15 minutes to dry to the point of adding another layer…After the rails are on, the shaping of the board is faster than a foam board, because there is no deck and bottom work to do, other than some fine sanding…I just use a belt sander with 36 grit and use it as I would a planer… watching the rails take shape is so very cool… Paul

I weight 200# and it floats like 2.875"…Hollows float about 1/2" thicker… Paul

Paul, I myself have been a carpenter for almost 20 years. I can really tell that you are a craftsman. This board along with the other boards and fins on your site are beautiful. What kind of wood are you using under the carbon on the inside of the board? Are you able to do a fin box or glass on only? Are you using epoxy or polyester resin and have you noticed a difference? I was looking at you site and have been building longboard skateboards with baltic ply for years and you have inspired me to build some fins with the stuff also a carbon glassed fin. Once again great looking board/boards keep up the good work. Stay Solid

What kind of wood are you using under the carbon on the inside of the board? …cheap lauan 1/8" plywood… Are you able to do a fin box or glass on only? …This board has a fin box… Are you using epoxy or polyester resin and have you noticed a difference? …Lam with epoxy, hot coat and gloss with poly…Epoxy is able to bond to to woods, while poly is liable to un-bond to cedar…And epoxy is so much stronger…

Hi Paul , Being inspired by your drive and hard work , that you seemingly make look so easy, I was wondering if you might share a couple of your techniques in wood board building. I’m specifically interested in the strip laminations on your rails, and how you got such nice tight bends to register so well, Also, how do you figure lengths of those strips to an ending point. Is there math involved, or do you cut and fit. Thanks for sharing your work . I really like and admire your craftsmanship --EP

How you got such nice tight bends on the strip laminations on the rails to register so well? …The choice of materials is so important…On the first hollow board I made, I had a couple of unsuccessful attempts at putting on the rails… …First, I tried using planed 1/8” cedar…Too much spring back… …Second, I tried using vertically aligned cedar strips…Glue joints too big… …Finally, I tried 1/8” lauan plywood…That worked, with a lot of coaxing… …Now I use 1/8” Italian bending plywood and 3/16” sheet cork…They are both real flexible…I laminate the layers to each other with contact cement… …The glue does the job of nice tight layers…I use a laminate roller to make sure that the bond is tight…Flexible material is the key… Also, how do you figure lengths of those strips to an ending point? Is there math involved, or do you cut and fit? …No math, thank you…I just lay on a strip that is usually over size in length…I cut it to length with a knife at the overlap point…It’s pretty easy…

My questions may have been redundant and I may have not paid too attention to previous information. Anyway, that is very ingenious, and I’ve never seen anything quite like it. I think you have taken things to a new level. Beautiful!