Not just another fin system thread.


There, you just proved the exact point I’m trying to make here - a companies origin has little to do with its use world-wide. What drives that is it’s marketing machine. FCS is a US company and you say it’s the industry standard in SA - and they don’t even have an office down there.

A better analogy for you would be McDonalds - When they first came out (much like where 4WFS is now) you could really only find them in the US. But over time their marketing machine grew and grew… flash-forward to today and you have McDonalds locations in 123 countries. I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with how delicious their food is or any factor other than $$

List of countries with McDonald's restaurants - Wikipedia


I appreciate the suggestion about 4WFS and I’m checking them out - but what I’m trying to say is that you can’t claim that a companies country of origin has ANYTHING to do with its popularity worldwide. Much like any other business model in the world, cash is king and the only thing that makes something an “industry standard” is how much money that company has to throw around to make people notice them. 

double post

A lot of the FCS plugs being used around the world these days are “knock-offs”.   FCS knock-offs being the most popular in China as well.  We aren’t supposed to be running our boards onto reefs or throwing them fins down into the back of the SUV to have groceries piled on them.  If we took better care of our boards FCS would still be the most popular system in the US.

…knock off are second in popularity here…