Not so showroom shine


I have a board that i glassed and just rough sanded - and I kinda want to ride this afternoon after work. 

I'm looking for some simple advice on a way to seal up the board and give it a decent finish.


Can anyone recomend a quick and easy technique to finish on it that could do the job.  Hopefully I could buy something at a hardware or auto shop that would do the trick.


I did a big search on this subject before posting but it led to a lot of lengthly discussions.


Assuming the board is watertight, why not just ride it as is, and finish it up later?  If the blank isn't sealed watertight, I wouldn't ride it until it is, but I wouldn't try to do it with a quickie seal from the hardware store - seems like you'd be asking for trouble. 

A.  krylon clear acrylic spray.  then u can sand it off later.

B. minwax wipe on poly.  may have to wetsand this off.  


i didn’t say they were good.  i just said they would seal the board and not look so bad u would throw up.

That's true... I'm sitting here at work stressing about how I'm going to get the board done and surf it after work before dark - when I guess it isnt really all that important.  Thanks! 

When i get ready to seal it - should i swipe it with that pledge floor stuff?

OK - cool.  Thanks again!

if your at a sanded finnish

rub on some future floor polish or similar

go surf it

Come on chainsaw.

WTF, you spent all this time getting to board done this far. Take your time and finish it right.  If you spray it with whatever, then rub wax all over it, you'll never finish it. And if you do, the next phase will come out like crap, because you rubbed wax all over it and now it's making fish eyes. Then you post up "Why am I getting FISH EYES in my gloss coat"

There will always be another swell. There were waves before you were born...and there will be waves when your dead. Some times you got to chill out and enjoy the process, and do it right.

Nice! I can get that at the old "dollar general store".  Perfect.

Oh one more thing if you want to spray it with something just use krylon clear spray paint.

That is a good point too.  Does that future floor polish give it a "proper" finish?  I have only glassed a couple boards.  I remember using some surfboard specific wipe on stuff that i applied several times to each side that dried very quickly, but i got it online from a place in Australia when i oredered other shaping supplies.  It worked really good.

i just done a 2pac urethane gloss and it was pretty ace out of the gun. had a bit of fallout on one side tho but the deck was pretty mint. not as good as poly gloss tho. reason why is that board has to be finished to a finer grit then poly before the gloss. a poly gloss will go straight over 80/or 100 grit. but if you spray over that the scratches show through so it kinda needs more sanding.

    Howzit chainsaw,Finish sanding it before you put any finish on it. I don't know what you meant by rough but you should at least take it to 220 and 320 or 400 would be better. Aloha,Kokua

sand it to 320/400 and ride it. you dont need no stinking finish.

I’m glad you said it, and not me, I’d just get sh#t on for saying that…lol


Anyway, just did a board with   rattle can  Varathane:   Diamond  Finish   water based exterior polyurethane…

The finish was quite nice and it dryed hard, and seems very durable…Super easy to get a flat coat , Cheap too…

It seemed to expel out any airborne dust that landed on the clear coat and pushed it to the surface as it dried !    This was a very pleasant surprise, and an un expected observation…I can only describe it as “spitting the dust out the top of the coating” …I’ve never seen this before…

I sanded the hot coat out to  400 then with 2000 wet… Then sprayed it the Diamond finish clear gloss, wet sanded it out again then finally poilshed it out with course then fine polishing compounds…

The owner of the board seemed to care less about the shine, he just enjoyed the way the board road… Ain’t that the way ??

On an side note: This is my last post here at Sway’s for a while, ,   I’m tired of reading, then reacting negatively to, the posts of the few condescending  “know it all’s”…My Bad, it takes me out of my  " happy place "  ;))

I intend on reading and learning from all the great post that show up here daily , and continue posting pictures of my current builds, but it’s time to lay low for a while and give  it a rest…

I sanded the hot coat out to  400 then with 2000 wet…?


Please don’t “bait” me, you read it right…

I hot coat a vacuum baged laminate which has little if any weave texture due to bagging… I sand the hot coat down initially with 180 grit followed by 320, but I usually jump right to 400 and finish with some 2000 I have loads of… This removes all the scratches you refer to showing up under the clear coat… I finish with 2000 because I have so much of it, and got it for free… It’s surprising how well it smooths things out if used wet…I also glass using  3.2oz cloth which has very little weave to fill anyway, even if done as a hand lay-up…

I don’t do gloss coats, as I use paint, so I guess I’m sanding the hotcoat of K.K. epoxy as smooth as possible ready for spraying…


Maybe  you’re thinking :    BS ,    He can’t sand a hot coat down that far as he’ll surely get burn through to the glass fabric… Well all I can think of as a reply is ;    You won’t get burn through if the foam  under the glass was sanded  fair , smooth and evenly before laminating…


Like I said  :  There is no heavy raised weave to fill as a result of bagging the lam, so the relatively heavy hot/sanding coat applied can be removed quite a bit and should be applied as flat as possible. … The  bag leaves the edges of the laps  considerably flatter as well, so you don’t have to apply as much filler resin to  hide / bridge  them…

I don’t like wasting, or sanding off multiple layers of epoxy resin…I guess I’m just dumb, and don’t know " the right way" to do things…

Try sanding  the resin base of your next spray job a little finer before painting and you might just be able to live with the shine… Then wet  sand out the poly clear with 2000 and then buff out, you might surprise yourself…

BTW :   I’m done explaning myself here for a while and would like to take a break from posting… That should make you happy, call it a “self imposed ban”… So please don’t expect any further replies on this or any other topic… I  won’t be part of any future  “train wrecked”  threads…I’m done…

I’ll pop up some pictures  of some interesting builds I’m working on, in the near future , for those interested…

My apologies to chainsaw…     Try the   spray can waterbased outdoor poly by Varathane called :  Diamond Wood Finish ,at $8:00 a can, it’s pretty amazing  stuff…

relax mate. build them how you want to build them.

i just wanted to let you know after you do one sand of a hotcoat in polyester with 100 grit you put the gloss coat straight on that , and then 400 grit dry . board is basically finished with two quick machine sands.  time savers rarely are.

Thanks for all of the great suggestions guys!  i have surfed the board for a few days now.  Had my fun. Now I am going to follow up with some sanding in attempts to make her look nice.  The board is a 5'1" mini simmons with a fat swallowtail.  It has been riding squirrely, crazy, fast and really fun!