Shaped last week then glassed & sanded on Saturday
5’10" x 18 1/8" x 2 1/8"
Bennett Australia (Ultralight-Yellow 6’2")
Single into a pronounced double concave
4+4x4oz glassing
sanded to 220
Overall it looks pretty good for a backyard hack, weighed in at 5.25 lbs w/out fins … not my best glass/sanding work. had to do some damage control with one of the fin routs, plus I sanded thru a couple tiny spots and some tiny bubbles on the fin boxes. But the coolest fubar is the freaking HAIR in the glass job! (not a curly one).
And guess what, I put 3 hours on it yesterday in head high south swell and … I’m stoked!
On a side note, I bought a $30 harbor freight variable speed sander/polisher and so far very pleased with it (although the Fedex shipping cost $40!). Being able to spin very slow is a LOT more comforting for a kook sander. Plus the thing is super quiet. Though I need to work on making some better backing pads than I did so far. Maybe i’ll break down and buy a power pad