Nuuhiwa R.I.P.

I just read on another message board that David Nuuhiwa passed away? If it’s true, may he rest in peace.

Apparently David Sr., not the David known for the noserider and fish? Check other board for details…

I just heard that Carl Haward a local Huntington Beach Store owner and shaper died today of a heart attack while surfing. He was only 50 years old I think. He was in good shape i was told. Probably genetic heart disease caused the blockage. Rest in Peace Carl. DR

Saw David Nuuhiwa at the ASR the other day and he looked healthy and fit. Hope it’s not true…

It’s Dad,not son…Dad was inducted into the walk of fame.

My Condolences David.Herb

Sorry to hear about Carl as well,I always liked his shapes.Herb

Howzit Droai, I was visiting my brother in 88’ and got an offer for a San Miguel trip and neede a board. checked all the shops from Seal Beach to Newport and finally found a board I liked at Carl’s shop In H.B… It was a 8’6’ single fin Mal and I brought it back to Kauai where it worked unreal. After 2 major deck delams I finally retired it to the museum in the back yard. Carl made some nice boards sorry to hear of his passing away.Aloha,Kokua

Davids dad was a very dynamic person. Expert in martial arts, health and exersize, etc. Just a fine man. I’m sure he’ll be greatly missed by those who knew him.