O.T. but relevant--your lifestyle footprint

This is sort of an interesting cool game. Play it and pass it on.

Take 15 min to take this animated quiz and see how many planets it would take if everyone lived like you.


I scored 2.8X though not quite sure how it adds up since I was below the line for 1X on all but food and only over a bit on that. I think they wanted us to be eating a grain based diet and no meat; and I really eat almost only meat and veg. lately (nearly 100% local though)


That was definitely off topic but interesting. If everyone lived like me, apparently we would need almost 10 planets. Oddly enough, my beer consumption increased me by almost a planet. “We are worried about you - you are going to hurt yourself or someone else or even kill off a planet.”

The global (universal? cosmic?) impact of my beer consumption is particularly frightening when viewed in conjunction with the fact that my transportation habits increased me by about 7 planets!

I suppose the lesson here is that 1 planet of beer + 7 planets of driving habits = stay home when I hit the roads.

All joking aside, it was an interesting exercise.

Did the test and scored a 2.1.

I usually score OK on this type test, not because I’m trying though.

I’m just poor. It helps keep your score down.

I’m a vegetarian, just because I don’t like to eat meat.

I live and surf within 3 miles of my house so I rarely drive.

I don’t drink because I don’t like being drunk.

I’ve been described as an Accidental Buddhist.

I really think I need three planets, not 2.1. Fill the third with green.

Relax the people on the first two.

move over Rover!!!
