I am sanding my 8 th board I’ve done. Everything is coming together. I feel that I am getting good laminations and pretty good hot coats. Been using RR kk. Wanted to shape eps, since I loved riding eps boards and poly stunk out my house when I worked in the garage. Wife wanted to kill me. I had to switch to epoxy. I am from long island so i have been dealing with cooler temps in the past few months. Heating the resin definately lets it flow better. Helps with wetting laps and flowing hot coats. I dont feel my glassing is lumpy at all,( now, first two were a bit rough) but when i start sanding with 120 i cant seem to get all of the shinies as i progress through my grits. I am using a variable speed sander 600-3000 11 amp wen sander / polisher. Seems to bog down a bit with moderate pressure. Using a medium flex pad and a soft yellow pad. While reading through the archives today something clicked and I tried it and worked. I used the medium pad with 80 grit at about 1500 rpms. I didn’t rush to try to emulate the JC sander guy… I went slow and was careful. I flattened everything out pretty good, followed with the 120 … And there you go… I only had to hand sand out a few shinies to progress with a really quick pass of 220. I usually start rails at 220 so it was perfect.
Can Any experienced sanders out there critique my new work flow or am I on the right track. I used about 2000 rpms with the 120 and prob back down to 1500 with the higher grits