.... of flextail fishes , fins , and 'widowmakers' ....

A big ‘THANKS’ to ‘consafos’ / ‘cap’nn kirk’ for sending me these shots


flextail fish by michael mackie , [south coast n.s.w. ] …as featured in the dvd ‘lost in the ether’

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 Also from the south coast region of N.S.W. , are ’ bushrat’ surfboards ,  and mark rabbidge .  [Both of whom also make flexy boards , fishes , finless boards , and other interesting oddities ]



Similar fins , by Richard Palmer , also featured in ‘lost in the ether’ …

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photo kirk2_zps835b1c61.jpg

Hi Ben…

Those last ones look like manatee flippers to me for some reason haha…

Seeing the use of relief cuts used for flex on these fins and also on those crazy sleds from the video the other day has me thinking of an older idea

That I might have to take a second look at…

This was a template I scibbled on a few years back trying to get some flex into a giant handfin,that turned out to be a foil…

with what I’ve learned since then I might possibly be able make good use of that technique…

Thanks for sharing…