Of Topic: Latest Pop Up Tecnique?

30 years of surfing and always done the"jump up and throw both feet under you" pop up, I’ve noticed the last few years the young hot kids seem to do this big back arch and actually stand up first on their FRONT foot. Maybe I just never gave it any thought. Is this a better way? Any input would be welcomed


The jump up version I think gets your feet farther foward, better for the older big single fins, and the back arching one gets your feet farther back which is needed for the tater chip thrusters. And then front foot first can get you going faster on smaller waves, or on early take-offs.

Just my opinion.

Don’t matter, as long as your feet end up under your chest, your balance good, and your board still dropping in fast, from a position where you can turn it hard.

I ride from mid 5’ fish’s to sometimes logs, and pop up is the same.

No real technique, just get your (and mine) fat ass up onto your feet!

there was a drunk guy at raul’s that didnt use his hands standing up! knee paddle take off and stand… ambrose…front foot?

Lee double d (god I love double d’s),

I hear ya man! But sometimes these kids get to their feet and you CAN NOT see the transition from prone to standing. I think it may be because the boards are so thin that they can actually sink the board so deep by pushing down that all they have to do is “push and stand”.



"… just get your (and mine) fat ass up onto your feet! "

[sorry double d …I couldn’t resist…]

the last time I got my arse onto my feet, I was kneeboarding…

Actually, if you catch the wave too early, or me, I try to pushup quickly just my upper body, to stall a little, then quickly pop the rest of my butt onto my feet.

Maybe that’s what you are seeing.

Since I cannot do even ONE real pushup (various arm injuries), I only get my upper torso up, lock elbows, and snap right up.

But then, I don’t ride chip tris, thos my 6’8" x 20.5 tri fin floats me Bbutton about 3" underwater when the board is completely submerged…skinny legs gots no float.