Off Topic: Driving To Cobo

Anyone have a suggestion or experience from recent that they can pass on regarding driving to Cobo with a gal? Things to look out for, routes to take, routes not to take, car choice, things to bring, etc…?

Hey buddy. I have driven there a lot - my wife’s parents live in Mulege (East side, north of La Paz) 4-5 months of the year.

Your truck will be fine.

Bring extra gas & water.

Don’t drive at night - cows in the road & lots of blind curves. Drive slow enough to have an escape plan - the semis straddle the center line.

“Magna” gas still has lead in it. Bad.

The top third is the most accessible, the bottom third is the warmest. Breaks in the middle third can look a mile apart but its an all day drive.

Bring ahigh-lift jack, a shovel and some heavy screens to put under your tires when you get stuck. Drive slow.

Bring a plug kit and a compressor so yuo can fix your own flats.

The stuff about flats & stuck will only apply if you do some heavy exploring. You can get to so many breaks (& cool places with the lady) without the risk, that if its your first trip or if you don’t have all that much time, just hit the big ones.

You’ll probably have to take turns surfing, you don’t want to leave your stuff alone. (That’s about gringo dirtbags, not Mexicans). Email me if you get a chance…

All that Benny said for sure.

I wouldn’t do any four wheeling/remote camping just me and my lady. I like going down with two trucks and four men. It’s a little safer in the Southern half.

Two five gallon buckets and a board to go between - table, dish washing, stools, multi useful.

Tons of paper towels.

Fishing equip.

If you can locate a stack of old porn mags to give to the check point guys.

Stash dope real well. At the bottom of one out of two peanut butter jars, super glue the seal back on so it looks unopened.

Tons of sunscreen.

The best damn coolers money can buy. One for food and one dedicated purely to Pacifico’s, with a bottle opener on a string attached. I’ve gone so far as buying sleeping bags from the thrift shop to wrap the coolers in too, but thats more for the remote camping action.

As for route you don’t really have any choices to make, Mex 1. Definitely pay for the toll road Tijuana to Ensenada. I usually try not to even stop until I’m down past Ensenada but I don’t know how long you’ll be driving before you even hit Mex. Salsipuedes and SanMiguel are both safe camp spots with surf to stop on day 1 if necessary. San Miguel is a zoo though, not my idea of surfing in Mexico.

Ohhh man, now I’m binging for a mex trip. It’s been waaaay to long. Good luck and have fun.

i wouldn’t hesitate to camp out in remote spots with a girlfriend/ ex and i use to do it-heck, it was difficult to get her to leave once we spent some time in a remote area.furhtermore, i feel one gets less hassled when with a female than a cuople other dudes-just seems like more respect is given to a couple…about the only limiting factor is time-how much of it do ya have to get to cabo and back???

Howzit surfore, Listen to what the boys have posted since they have it down. You can do a power run in 2 days but I’d say if you have the time, then take you time and enjoy the scenery, I particularly like the area south of Catavina which I call Rock Land because of it’s unique scenery. The don’t drive at night is a wise thing since that’s when the semis rule the road and Sudays are not the best day for driving since it’s the 1 day the locals get mucho barracho (Drunk) on tequila. Be careful after leaving San Ignacio because the Santa Rosalio mountain road is a trip to drive. Good tires and shocks since you never know what kind of shape the road will be in. On my last trip to the tip the road south of Guerro Negra was pot hole hell and I blew a front end dampner and did some front end damage but was able to make it to the tip where I got it fixed. Cabo Is great but San Jose Del Cabo is cheaper all the way around when it comes to supplies and Hotels. My last trip down I spent 4 month in Baja Sur and as I was returning to the US When I got to Camalu I almost turned around to go back down south. Have a good and safe trip.Aloha,Kokua

Thanks for the words of wisdom guys. I’ve decided to go to Cabo instead of Cobo. Eyyyeyeyeyyyayyyy.

when are you thinking of going, and are you looking for company? I have a Land Cruiser and an urge to travel. Spring break?

Keith I’d love to go. Unfortunately I was asking for a friend. She has decided that after the wedding a drive to Cabo might not be the best test for their marriage so they’re probably going to go to Hawaii. Or drive to the Bahamas. In a Camaro.

Yeah, not only to thems Camaros fly across oceans and submarine under the sea, but then you can just drive around everywhere just like a jeep. The ultimate James Bond car, thems Camaros.

Bitchin Camaro, Bitchin Camaro

Rod - Well, that’s another story; the important thing here is you gotta ask me how I’m gonna get down to the shore.

Joe - Uh, how you gonna get down to the shore?

Rod - Funny you should ask, I’ve got a car now.

Joe - Oh wow, how’d you get a car?

Rod - Oh my parents drove it up here from the Bahamas.

Joe - You’re kidding!

Rod - I must be, the Bahamas are islands, okay, the important thing now, is that you ask me what kind of car I have.

Joe - Uh, what kinda car do ya’ got?

Rod - I’ve got a BITCHIN CAMARO!