off topic: older surfers problem

Hey bros’ This is serious so don’t laugh. I’m bummed now that I’m getting up in my 30’s (still surf every day) I’m growin a buch of back hair. It’s gnarly. It’s gross. And the chicks don’t dig it. How do I get rid of it? What’s the best way? It’s pretty embaressing? Help a bro out! i had to change my name obviously to protect the innocent phil

Way off topic. Dude, take a time machine to your sixtieth birthday. Then, ask the sixty year old you what he thinks about back hair in his thirties. He’s gonna laugh in your face. Dude, you’re in your thirties. I am in my thirties. I surf better than I ever did. I actually catch air occasionally, am better at finding a tube, and am much less intimidated by big waves as I use to be. Back hair, no hair…keep it coming, as long as I can keep surfing! It’s all about perspective.

Dude, go to a day spa and get a pro to wax your back. WAHOOOOOO!!! They’ll rip it out by the handfuls. God, that’s gonna hurt!

use your skil 100, but set it at the lowest depth of cut. i wouldn’t want you to ‘skin your blank’.>>> How do I get rid of it? What’s the best way? It’s pretty embaressing?

anyone seen that infomercial for that hair remover stuff called Nads? i get a laugh every time that comes on…NADS!!! hahahahahahahahaha

After you plane your back send what’s left on the floor to cleanlines!

That’s how many women you get. She’ll find you attractive. How many did you want?

After you plane your back send what’s left on the floor to cleanlines! Tuna you are in great danger.I am a “Bald Eagle”…master of the skies and sea.We capture and devour Tuna Fish on a daily basis…the next time you go surfing keep an eye toward the sky…I may be coming.