Official 1,000 Deck Patch Question !!!

Best way to acheive this look? (board on the right with the deck patch) *Really looking for good contrast with the deck patch… Single pigment

My thoughts…

Board #1.) 6oz patch under 6oz complete deck cutlap (Cons:might be under glassed in the nose and likely to snap?)… Pros:stronger patch area than a 6+4 glass job and Would be lighter than board #2

Board #2.) 4oz patch and 2 more layers of 4oz (4ozpatch+4oz+4oz) complete deck cutlap (Pros: same glassing schedule in patched area but stronger nose than board #1) Cons: Is a 4oz patch too little glass to get good contrast? Is 3 layers of 4oz too much to get good saturation?(not figuring its likely but a concern I thought to mention nonetheless.

Board #3.) What is Sways preferred method of accomplishing this look. Effeciently and beautifully. Ive seen in the vaults of sway that some prefer to do the different layers in seperate lams for better contrast. Might be just a volan thing?

Can’t provide proper cred to the builder of the boards but they are beauties.

I like to do it as a separate lam, mask off and cut the edge when it gels. But I’m no expert.

Good looking board Huck. Whats the schedule used? deck inlay then patch then lam that wraps the rails? 

You can see quite a difference in contrast (your board having more color contrast than the one I posted) Both look beautiful but makes me think they might have been done in two different fashions.

Its been awhile, but I’m pretty sure mine went like this: bottom lam orange tinted 6 oz with cut laps (deck masked off), then mask and lam inset 4 oz light blue tinted deck, the whole thing.  Then darker blue-green deck patch 4 oz. as a separate lam. And a final lam of 4 oz clear over the deck, with rail wrap.  However, the light blue might be just a resin tint on foam, followed by the deck patch, and then the final clear deck lam with rail wrap.  I’m not a professional, so I don’t have an established protocol, I just go with what makes sense to me at the time.

Mine doesn’t just have more color contrast, mine is glassed with completely different colors, that’s another thing altogether.  I probably should have clarified better in my initial response.  The one in your pic looks to me like they just carefully cut the deck patch in place, then layed then next layer of glass over it, and glassed in one step.  You just have to be careful not to distort the straight line of the edge that shows, when you squeegee the resin.

That’s right.

With tints or transparent;   The more layers of the same color the darker it gets.

Use airtack to hold the glass in place so it wont move when lam…its like Super 77 without the solvent.

Thanks for that tip.  Never used Airtack.  My one misgiving with 77 is the solvent and always afraid if I use to much there could be an issue.

Air tack?  I need this. Give it to me. 

(where do I find it?) 

all the best

Hi Huck; with that method you finish with one less layer in the rails and that is not good structurally (flex/rigidity ratio)

Also the rails are the softer part so needs more fiberglass.

The one on the right could be not a tint but new cloths 

heres one with Basalt/flax hybrid 

Yes I have noticed Airtack as being the go to for molds and infusion stuff that I have viewed on line, YouTube etc.

Fill us in.  What is the product?  Bottom? And rail?