Oh F*&%! I boo bood

I’m making a shortboard for my son. He wanted black sprayed rails. I mentioned I was after black paint for spray gun but couldn’t find anything in time so I went ahead and grabbed a few cans. I asked for water based acrylic, and being in a rush (and an idiot I admit) I believed what the guy in Halfords (UK auto store chain) told me. I sprayed away. Did a nice job of spraying the foam (rails) only. I have now inlaid the bottom with his choice of glass in there, and was about to do a deck inlay, no resin has touched the black rails yet. I just shot back to the store for another can and realised it’s not water based, it’s solvent based acrylic black. AAAAAGH!

I am HOPING I can get some water based, the stuff I should have used all along, and use a good 1-2 cans to cover the solvent based stuff already on there, and HOPE the resin doesn’t find it’s way to the coat underneath. I put some resin on a test piece (sprayed black) and it didn’t do much harm, until I scraped with squeegee, then the black came out. As furious as I am, at least I realised now before doing a nice quad axial clear deck inlay and certainly before the 4oz wrap around the rails final lam! It would have smeared grey/black all over the beautiful clear deck!

Just wondered if anyone has any advice for other ways to fix this feck up? I can’t think of any, apart from maybe using a clear coat over the black, but then not sure the resin will grip nicely when lamming. Anyway, too many experts who have walked the walk ahead of me to not bother asking, so here I am.  Any ideas welcome! thanks

(PS Image attachments are not working, if that’s not an old problem which I suspect it is - “File upload error. Could not move uploaded file”)


Where’dya post go Chrisp?!

It would still be helpful to see pics




Just thinking about the weight of paint versus resin. I know resin is heavier, but it will need a lot more paint to coat it all with something resin resistant. 1-2 cans I think, and that will be fairly heavy. Just considering mixing up some lam resin, I can’t thin it as I don’t have pure styrene (only wax in styrene), although I could warm it up to make it runnier. I could then mask the black rails so only they are exposed, and paint a very thin coat of lam resin over, to seal in the black and make sure my squeegee doesn’t drag any black into the white deck or bottom when laminating the whole board.

Does that sound like a plan? The paint will cost me $35+ so I will save that too

Do a test on a scrap price of foam. Paint the foam with the paint you used. Then lay some glass and resin down see what happens.  My thoughts are that the chemical base won’t effect the bond.  But it is better to be safe then  sorry. 

If it turns out you do have a problem go to an art store get a Acylic Clean Varinsh reduce it with distilled water and spray over the place paint. It will not add that much weight. 3 coats should do it.

Thanks Artz - I already did that test. I didn’t need to wait to assess the bond as the smear of colour (grey/black) which came out when squeegeeing it means it can’t stay like this when I lam the board. So I need to coat it with something. The choice is either paint (correct one this time!), resin, or clear acrylic as you say. It seems to me the acrylic will leave it shiny, not much mechanical bond and perhaps very little chemical bond too (if any). So I am leaning towards resin at the mo but I may try your suggestion on a scrap piece along with other ideas. Thanks for your thoughts