Oh no epoxy dilema!!

I have a bit of a problem with some epoxy resin… I made a big stuff up and mixed it wrong I think, 1 beer to many! but its a hollow wooden theres no glass on there but I can’t get the semi hard resin all off the wood!! any Ideas??? help

I wonder what would happen if you mixed up a test batch of the right mix and put it over some of the soft resin . Would it seal it or get it to cure ? Then maybe you could sand it down. I don’t know. Maybe thats just something dumb I would try. Might work though.

good luck

Putting correctly mixed epoxy over incorrectly mixed epoxy will not fix it. Better to scrape the bad stuff off, clean with denatured alcohol and start over.

would it depend on how hard the “semi hard” epoxy is ? I mean if it means gouge all the wood up trying to scrape it off, might be worth a try.

I was just going by System Three website… They have a FAQs section that addresses the issue. (Cut/paste without permission from System Three website) Poly will sometimes kick if a hot batch is applied over a semi-hard layer. Apparently epoxy is different.

"have material that hasn’t cured after four days in a warm room. Can I apply fresh resin over the top and have the whole thing cure hard?

No. If the older material has stopped curing, applying more epoxy won’t start it up again. The uncured resin must be removed and new material applied to that surface."

ouch, that’s gonna hurt. poor guys gotta strip it all off. thanks for looking that up. thats a real bummer.

i’m so dumb, i would try a sample anyway. but that’s just me.

Well I’ve done the hard yard and sweeting like a rapest, scraped like a begger… It seems to have worked, well I hope so cause I just slapped the epoxy and glass over the top!! If it delam’s I’ll let you know!!! but it was imposable to get all the soft resin off! wait and see I guess. Thanks for all the help dudes