Old Gordon and Smith Longboard

I’m looking for opinions on what to do with an old Gordon and Smith board, either from 61’/62’ or 71’/72’. I was hoping to restore it and use it as a display board. What had been suggested to me was to take the fiberglass off and sand the foam down, reshape and reglass it. I’m not sure I have the experience to pull that off (I don’t have any experience) so I’d be grateful for opinions from people who would know what the work involves. I’m really just wondering if it’s worth the trouble or if I need to junk it. Thanks!

(I can post more pictures on request)

I hope somebody else chimes in. For some reason, that logo doesn’t look that old to me, but I can’t find what years they started using the red logo. I have a '68 gordon and smith that doesn’t have that logo. If you post a pic of the fin it might help date it as well. Does it have a fin box or glass on? As for stripping it down, reshaping, etc. I wouldn’t do that, you’re asking for more work that way. You could make a brand new board in less time and work. That being said, I wouldn’t trash it either. If you really want to ride it, sand down all the bumpy crap and then repair it til it’s watertight. But by the looks of that foam underneath, it looks like there’s been water damage in there. Is it heavy? I bet it’s heavy. 

My vote, based on the pics, is walk away.  I can’t see that being worth getting started on.

hang it in the man cave ,or junk it at me house

1961/1962…Guarenteed.        Logo designed by , then highschooler, Mike Salisbery.       Not worth collecting, or riding, IMO.

The red version was used from the very beginning. The blue one is the rarer of the two.

Too far gone to bother with. Nothing rare or collectable about it and putting any time or money into it would be silly.


Thanks for the responses! Off to the junkyard it goes!

where you located??


put it for free on craigslist before the dump.some buddy might want it for the tiki bar or yard art

Fix the dings and ride it.  Doesn’t look much worse than that old Bing Tudor used to ride.  

[edit: redundant]

Could this logo be on later (maybe 1980s or 1990s) shortboards, too?

I recently copied/tweaked a step-up design for a local, I think the board was 7-9 or so, all panel bottom, round-pin tail, and it may have had that same box logo… Wish I had taken pictures. Have numbers, but not pictures.

The logo in question, is still in use to this day.

Many thanks for the answer. I have/have-had no idea what era that board is from but in copying/variegating from it, it has bugged & occurred & reocurred to me, lol. I rode one descendant yesterday, in fact. The most fascinating thing in working from planshapes from that era, without “stubbing” them, is fin layout. Everything worked, it was just way less straightforward with the different tail lines (most everything needed to be more forward than what many use as modern numbers).

Would you like more pictures of the fin? I have some on a camera but I’m waiting on the cable to arrive so I can post them.

Here are the pictures of the fin: