Old Hansen

Hey guys. I found this little old hansen 8’9" selling for pretty cheap online. I’m probaby going to go check it out in person, but I was hoping to gain some different opinions from owners and riders of these boards regarding the practicality of owning a board like this.

Basically, if the glass looks to be in decent shape now, and I continue to keep it out of heat and sun as much as possible, is there any reason this board would start falling apart or something like that? I plan on making this more or less my main board, would it just turn into a pain in the neck in the future?

Also, do you like the way these rolled bottom pigs ride or is there a reason we’ve left this shape more or less behind.

Interested in anyones opinion of these old boards. It’s pretty much a dream to have a board like this, so I would love to scoop this one if you guys think this little guy would be a nice ride.


Pigs are back in!  all of the hipsters love em.  I include myself in this category.  Modern pigs are more refined then the old ones though.  If the board is in good condition I see no reason why it would deteriorate.  If you treat it well it could be around for a good long while. Regarding how it rides, it all depends on what you want out of your daily driver.  If you want a performance board, by todays standards, then that is not it.  If you want to surf like they did in the early sixties then that is the board for you.  Think glide, trim, drop knee turns, noseriding high and tight in the pocket. If you have never surfed a board like this before it will definately take some getting used to.  It looks like it is in good shape to me.  Is there any possibility that the opaque blue resin pigment coat was added on after the fact to hide any defects???  Hansen’s are awesome and I wish I had one.  Check the board out in person and go with your gut!

    No doubt.

I’d still buy it. And I’d use the cover up paint to talk down the price. 

…Then I’d go home and sand it all off…


Also, I have a 60s pig with a tail and fin like that. I would describe the ride as turning off the tail, locking in (mostly straight) once in trim, but fun when in trim too.

I reshaped the fin to a more ‘modern’ shape. I can turn now.

If you get real close pics of the logo at the nose and tail (around the fin too), we could probably tell you if it was painted over.

Sanding the blue off would be pretty cool.  It might reveal something that has been forgotten for years.  Cool Stringer configuration, the serial #, maybe even an indication of who shaped the board!  Or it could reveal a bunch of ugly dings.  But if you get the board for a good price it would be a cool experiment.  Bring the board back to its former glory.  Uncover the Past!  There’s no telling what you might find =)

I also think this board was covered in opaque color to hide major ugly bits. You rarely saw a color job like that when this was made.

Personally, I wouldn’t buy it unless the price was dirt cheap.

The nice thing about the old Hansen outlines is that while most were square tails;  they easily configure to rounded pins, pins etc.