Old Jacobs Info

I snagged this old Jacobs off of craigslist yesterday and was hoping someone could help with more info on it. I can’t find a number, but it could just be hiding somewhere under all that sunburn. It looks like someone restored it a while ago, there are no soft spots or warp. The only bummer is the fin is gone, only the lam around the fin is left.

Also any advice on restoring it…I’d like to get it back in the water. I figured I’d template the fin, cut off what’s there now and glass the new one on. I think I’m going to try to sand off the white repairs on the deck and nose and then re hot coat the whole board.

Thanks for the help

Around 1963
My guess, from red logo & fin.
And it looks like it was used
The fin?
You could scribe some wood of the correct thickness.
And “mouse” it in there
maybe fill the void with fiberglass
I would not saw and grind it off.

So, you think the fin had a wood core and the wood rotted away? I’ve seen old glass fins split like that.
The red logo is no indicator of age, as it was used even into the 70s. But, the fin and outline do place it right around 1963.
I’d sand it really well, fix the dings and fin, then do a new coat of white on the panels, followed by a clear coat all over.

The red logo is no indicator of age
When was the “red logo” fist used?
I think it was started on the boards shown at “Surf O Rama”
in 1963.
Wish I had held on to the 9-1 on the left.
Had a very cool hard wood fin, too…