Thinking about building a replica of the first new board I bought but need to find a website with old logo designs so I can make a rice paper copy to put on the board. I’m looking for a “Surfboards by Phil” Logo. Since Phil was a personal family friend I got my boards a cost at first then I earned a spot on his team and then got free boards. Aloha,Kokua
…hey Kokua there´s a book in the market with all the old surf logos , but in this moment i just dont remember the name…
I have one in the garage, would need to borrow my mom’s digital camera, might be able to do it tonight…
this guy will sell you a surfboards by Phil sticker for $3.50…
if you send me a picture I can make one for you with Adobe Illustrator
this guy will sell you a surfboards by Phil sticker for $3.50…
you could take that image and enlarge it in photoshop and then print to rice paper.
Howzit dubstar, Man you guys are fast, is the one you have a blue one. Greg Liddle sent me a website with one but it is green and the one on my board was blue, would like he oruginal but I can recolor if I have to. If you have a blue one I would like to see a picture. Aloha and much Mahalo, Kokua
Howzit J., Is any of this swell hitting your side yet,if not it's on it's way. No need to buy since internet explorer 6 will capture any image off the net, already got it from the site you gave me. Just need to make it blue. The board was in the movie "Muscle Beach Party" because Phil got the contract to supply the boards but he didn't have quite enough to fill the order. Since he was a friend and I got the board wholesale I thought I should return a favor.Aloha, Kokua
The board I have has the blue one…it’s real big, maybe 12 inches across. Can try to get the camera tonight…
Howzit dubstar, That’s the one I’m looking for, would love a picture so I can turn it into a Laminate. Aloha, Kokua
cool, I got stuck at work, I’m only going to come in tomorrow for a few hours, I can probably get it online Friday afternoon…
Howzit dubstar, Thanks when ever you get a chance is fine. Aloha,Kokua