oldy - The Heart and the Sea

I’m reminded by ‘fins’ on the other thread -

oldy was a stalwart of this forum at one time , but raising a family and creative pursuits eg film making seem to have taken precedence lately

a plug for the trailer of his upcoming surf flick is in order - go oldy !

The Heart and the Sea Official Trailer


plus , of course ....


  he contributes to / photographs for , a couple of surf publications , in his "spare" time ???


   "foam symmetry" , being just one of them ....

Trailer looks good very slinky , kinda like The Seedling and Sprout etc same sort of feel.

Oh to be young and groovy !

Oldy’s fish thread tribute to his little girl is still one of the best moments on this forum.



I’m looking forward to this one…I enjoyed the mellow feel of Lines from a Poem, this one looks like a more mature production from a talented film maker.


...did you get 'Seaworthy' , his last movie , also ?

from his links , it looks like he has done a few others , also ? [which I have NOT seen , yet...]





Assuming that was directed at me…I haven’t been able to track down a local copy of Seaworthy, I did check out more than a few of his other Vimeo stuff. I’m impressed! Looking forward to seeing this new effort…as one of my good friends said: “Radness, Kassia Meador on a Skip Frye. Sign me up!”

Nice little vid…

Is that Oldy on the right at 3:03?

He definitely is missed here. Good to see he is being fruitful.