Olympic Peninsula question

I’m going up to see some family in Seattle around Feb./March and wanted to know if there is surf between Port Angeles and Shipwreck Pt. I’m going to camp out around that area for a few weeks and was wondering if I should bring a longboard, semi-gun, fish or kite board.

How consisitent is it? Looks like a real narrow window for swell to get in.

…Time to dust off the 6/3 suit…

Thanks for any advice.


If you are limited to one board, the semi-gun would probably be the call. Expect swell to fall ANYWHERE between 6’ and 26’ (or bigger). The strait can be frustrating, but 280 degrees with size, period and a cooperating tide can be great. Camping out near Forks or Neah bay will afford you the opp to hit the coast or the strait :). THINK weekdays! More info if you desire…


If Westport is too big, go to Salt Creek inside Straits of Juan de Fuca.

Please be aware of the tide times before going out. They are strong tides and easy to get sucked out. Keep a close eye on how far from shore you are getting.

Watch for logs in lineup. They have killed people in the past. They are more of a problem on incoming tide.

DO bring at least a 4/3 with hood, warm gloves and booties.

Honestly I’d bring a funshape or something that’s a good ‘all around’ board, unless you want to paddle out when it’s 25 ft then bring whatever you use. Expect heavy swells but again maybe overbearing even for good surfers on the coastal breaks.

Westport is neat though because there is a cove you can go inside that stays a little cleaner when the jetty is too big. And they’re right next to each other. Expect a crowd at the cove if it’s on though. Not as much room to spread out.

Again, though, the tides … keep it in the back of your mind … they are stronger than California tides … guess that’s because it’s farther away from equator? (?) I dunno …