On Oahu for a while

I’m a long time swaylocks lurker that finally has time to take board building more seriously. Just looking for other backyard builders to talk story and shop with. So far I’ve only built hollow wood boards, mostly for my own use or for friends. Pictures are the last couple boards I’ve made.

Hey PJ thanks for stepping up and posting up, is that your smiling face in pic 2, and maybe your pretty lady In the last pic? Wood boards are a whole 'nuther level of labor invested, are you shaping or riding foam boards too? Hope you’re enjoying your stay on Oahu and getting lots of fun waves, welcome to the fray!

I wish the guy smiling was me. He is actually a good friend, I built the flatwater SUP he is holding for his wedding present. The little lady is my better half. She puts up with all the time spent on my boards. I do surf foam and wood both. Its not feasible for me to shape foam since all my workspaces are outside. I can live with sawdust getting blown all over, but foam dust is to messy and hard on the environment.

I reckon I’ll have a pretty good time on Oahu. I’ve been here for 6 years already and don’t plan on leaving anytime soon. Just trying to find some local backyard shapers to talk story and maybe catch a wave with.

This picture is me with shorter hair.

Haha, OK, I’m in So Cal awhile myself (62 years and counting). Hope you do meet up with some fellow swaylockians over there, I guess there are a few. I have a buddy I grew up with who is over on the big island right now, with his dog Dearee.

Where on Oahu are you? I live in St Louis Hts. I usually surf at Ala Moana Park or Diamond Head.


I’m over in Halawa. I’m willing to surf anywhere there are waves, but typically go to haubush/ewa in the summer and puaena in the winter. I was really hoping to meet more local shapers around the island.

Haubush is where I grew up. Shark Country is next to the original Haubush Beach. Just went down there today to see my family.

We had a good swell last weekend and I had a chance to surf SC, but there were more than a handful of ex and current pros out that day. Ewa Beach has produced quite a few excellent surfers.

I’m sure we’ll have a chance to meet.