Hey all, please help.
I am planning to start my next project as soon as I’ve finished my mate Tim’s HWS, but am really hoping that some one will donate some detailed measurements/plans for me. What I’m after is building a tripple stringered Hollow/chambered wooden of around the 8 foot mark with a crowned deck with the stringers forming part of the deck and bottom, rather than just being part of the internal frame. I’m almost clear on the process I’ll be using (been thinking about this for several months now) and just need some measurements from a good shape. The thing that I’m going to struggle with most is the shape of the ribs and getting the curve right on these.
I’m not sure what I’m asking for here and suppose unless someone has already got some plans for a 8’ HWS with a crowned deck it would be quite a lot of work to ask for but my mum always said “if you don’t ask you won’t get”, then again my dad always used to say “where the hell are all my socks?”
If anyone can help with this it would be very much appreciated, cheers.