On The Near Horizon............

…There is soon to be, a pair of fins with the SECRET FOIL, delivered to someone, somewhere in the Swaylockesphere. Their fins, sent to me for foil modification, have been received. The process, and the finished product, will STILL be kept under wraps. Why? Because, that’s the way I want it, for now. In time, the design will be exposed to the world at large. Just not yet. This particular foil camber, has unique anti stall characteristics. It’s also about constantly tapping the energy of the wave, to propel the board and rider through and across the wave. It’s like giving an average car engine, a squirt of nitrous oxide. It changes the performance, in a dramatic and positive way. Ride reports to follow, at a later date, so stay tuned.

Pair of fins mean Twingle fins??

All resect due Bill,
You have my attention.
Very aware of YOUR twngle…
I have my our ideas of just what the foil
ah, could be…
I love a good mystery.

In a word, yes.

Bill, love a thriller !
But not being a design maverick myself I’ll be grabbing the popcorn and settling in to await the arrival of whatever you’ve got Bill.

It’s funny how no one saw Uber coming.
No one saw The iPod or iPad coming.
Or the financial success of foreign surfboards.

In 50 years surfing will be totally unrecognisable, so why wait for someone else to make innovation happen ??
Do it yourself now.

Just added an FCS twingle set up to a quad simmons pig board I have. Haven’t ridden it yet. Excited to see what comes from this.



Any feedback yet?

Aloha Dave,
No, I’ve had to take care of some ‘‘honey-do’’ projects, around the house, so set the fin conversion aside for a spell. But, I’ll be back on it soon. The existing fins are G-10, so It’s a little slower going.

Ken hardly weight twe sea dis twin fandangled buggy whip.