one for the glassers -- pockmarks on the rails

Aloha glassers

Just picked up a new board from a reputable board manufacturer, and it has pockmarks all over the rails – tiny pinholes on the gloss coat finish.

I am wondering how or why this happens? I’m not concerned about performance integrity or anything, just want to know the reason this happens.

Mahalo for your kokua


 Hpowzit kit, I'd take the board back to the manufacturer and tell them the board is inferior and they should fix the problems. Sounds like it should be sanded and reglossed. Aloha, Kokua

when adolesents eat too much chocolate…blemishes become pokmarks much the same with rails…ambrose… in facitiousland

I’m with Kokua, take it back. Clusters of these small holes will make the glosscoat very brittle. A minor rail hit and there’ll be shatters. Makes me wonder about the lam and hotcoat too. If possible, get a look at what’s underneath when they sand off the gloss to refinish. Check for more holes (especially bigger ones) and any soft areas. If you see any of this, give the board back and tell them to try again on a new blank. A repaired new board is not a “new” board.

The causes for this are numerous; weather, batch too hot, wrong mix of additives, overmixed (air in resin), etc. Letting the glasser know about this is important. If they are reputable as you say, they need the feedback to fix whatever’s wrong in their process. Stuff happens, whether you’re building a couple a year or in full-on production. Anyone who really cares about what they build (especially for a profit) will fix the board and address the process problem.