I think it seems a bit odd to need two router bits for one fin system, but whatever… has anyone tried these yet? good/bad/indifferent?
No need for 2 bits. 2 passes but not two bits. I see no need for a 1 pass bit.
It takes about 5 minutes to sink some boxes. Do like a planer and adjust your depth on the fly.
Maybe if you did like 50 or more boards a day, but if your doing that many boards - why not just have your program cut the boxes for you - A a simple tool change and bam- done. “perfect” cuts every time! They can even be marketed like the rest of the board - 100% accurate and can always be replicated ha
The one pass bits a really more for production shops,
you need both to install boxes.
The biggest issue/ need for the system is it was designed around the ryobi TR- series routers, which are now extinct. So a new install had to be created, the evolution is what it is now with the one pass bits designed around the Makita routers.
That all being said its a nice setup, but doesnt save a ton of time. The alighnment parts the same.
seems you now need either two routers (one for the shallow bit and one for the deeper one) or you need to change bits to do even one board. I already have a spare futures router, so it wouldn’t be a big deal to have both ready to go, one with each bit. But I don’t see that its much of an advantage, and the bits are not exactly cheap either…was wondering if there was some benefit I didn’t see. Sounds like maybe not. Thanks for the input…
Nope no benefit if you have an install kit already
Nice to do the toute with one pass.
But I don’t need another router to add to my collection.
Future, FCS, FCSII, ProBox, Locbox, and so on.(I’m sure I missed a couple).
As that is required, or have to change out bit and re-adjust.
And yes, as Keith mentioned the bit is pricey.
I’ll keep what I got.
Keith - I miss read your original post - though you were talking about the original set up needing two bits -
The system or idea seems even more time consuming and costly then what is out there now. - Seems like the new and improved set up would drive away customers - the jig is already a large chunk of change - now you need two special bits that you can only get from futures?..
I like how they market it as a time saver though haha - you can probably route a board with the old set up before you can change and reset the bit on this new set up -
A freind of mine who I build some boards with , and who posts on Sways occaisionally has a small flotilla of routers , all set to correct depth , sitting on a convenient shelf waiting to be used. He also has a full arsenal of handmade jigs for most fin systems , including a complete system that he designed and builds himself…all problems solved before they appear…2 guesses who that is ?..(lol)