One shape for me

Hi there:

now it´s my turn; I wan´t to make a board…

I want a simple thing to begin and to tell other people, “this is made by me”…

So, there I was thinking on a “stubbie”, about 7´, large enough for me and my weight (90 Kilos) and simple to paddle, for riding waves about 7´high… (it´s enough…)

Can anyone help me, by giving an outline and a rocker, so I can easily built a surfboard and not block of wood???

All helps are welcome !!

Have you looked at any of the free shaper software?
They are a lot of fun to play with.
AKU shaper
Shape 3D
Board CAD

You can print out outlines and rocker profiles.

Plus this one by PierreB, that I find very user-friendly:

It will let you design something like this:

…in less time than it took me to upload it…

Yes, I saw these kind of programs designs, and it´s very easy to work with them, but I have a little problem… I don´t how to design them…I have no measurements to design a rocker that works in the water… the outline seems to be easy…

can you give me one?

I saw the Aturas site and never expected to be so good… but I still didn´t understood if the outline and the rocker is already done, needing only tu make the rails, the V bottom, etc…

gimme ideas, please !

The board that Balsa posted is what I had in mind. That concept / outline works for me with boards from 9’6" down to 6’11". If you want to “flow” with the waves this will work…If you buy a blank from a good supplier the rocker will already be there…If you want to make your own blank look at the catalogs from the blank suppilers and go from there…Lot’s of Swaylock’s people design by computer. Not me. I do it all the old fashion way. Pencil,ruler ,straight edge ,benderboard…

Go for it!!! You can do it Check the Photo Archives in the Resources section…
