Online Templates

Just wondering if anyone has explored the Greenlight Surf Supply templates available at

It seems to be a good resource if you haven’t seen it…

I’m getting ready to make my second board, a 9’6" Trad. Log (just need a planer and a decent template) and wanted to see what people’s experience has been, using these templates. Or if there are any other online templates out there. After searching Sway’s and elsewhere, I haven’t come up with much!


do a search for file attachments in the forums with with extension .brd

these are files spit out by AKU Shaper, downloadable for free at:

then download the plugin that JedAil made for AKU here:

The plugin takes a .brd file and converts it to a PDF similar to the file format you

can get at greenlight.

it also does some other work intended specifically for hollow wooden construction.

but, at the very least you’ll get a template for the planshape (and a rocker profile to boot).

if you take this PDF to a kinkos, they can print it out fullsize on one of their big sheet printers…it

will cost you like 9 bucks or so.

otherwise, you can print it out in multiple pages and tape it together, transpose it to masonite or

preferred template material and go nuts.

I shaped my first board using the Greenlight 5’11’’ fish template. Unfortunately I was a dumb ass and did not turn off the scaling feature in the pdf printer so my 5’11’’ turned out as a 5’9". Really nice shape though. Hasn’t been glassed so can’t grade performance.