My wife has been surfing for about 5 years, we live in England and surf pretty much every swell. She has done a little travelling around the UK, surfed some respectable reefs and points etc. She predominantly rides a 9'6 Empire singlefin mal or a 7' x 19" x 3" Chris Jones Pintail Singlefin. She is super comfortable on both of those boards, I would say that in the last two years she has never struggled to hold her own in size - up to head and a half pushing double overhead on more mellow stuff. Shes strong and fit, very confident in the water, she turns a mal well, cuts back, reads waves well, shes elegant in the water and shes had some cover-ups in the right conditions, she surfs well…but she has hit a bit of a wall with equipment.
She is about 5'8, shes skinny and weighs next to nothing. She has a really relaxed style, she stands up tall, drawn out turns, she isn't interested in shortboarding and aggressive turns etc. She struggles in big/heavy/steep/hollow surf with the equipment she is using, the Chris Jones has a lot of volume and fairly mellow rails etc. She pulls in, makes drops fine, draws a line etc but she struggles to be as manouverable in these conditions as she needs to be to make sections etc. She struggles when caught on the inside of reefs/points and heavy beaches because she cant duckdive that amount of foam. She struggles less to get outside and out of sticky situations on a mal.
She's at the point of wanting to experiment with more reefs, points and slabs and travel a bit further afield; north africa in december etc.
She is very open minded, she has surfed a lot of boards with varying success. She was surfing a big fat Rob Royal 6'3" semi dialler quad thing for a bit, she could surf it but it was again, way too much foam for duckdiving and being manouverable, were talking 6'3x22"x3+". She also has recently got a 5'5x22x3 mini sim she is looking to experiment with in less challenging condidtions. She has surfed some of my boards but finds them too light to get going (6x20x2 3/4 quad fish).
She's looking to get something shaped, we have a shaper in mind who is going to be making her what his interpretation of what she needs is after a 2 week trip surfing with her in a wide range of conditions but it might not materialise for a while, which is fine, but its always interesting to get a range of opinions and ideas from as many interested people as possible as to what she should be looking to ride, we might get her two new boards in the near future - maybe before morocco.
As much insight and info would be amazing from you guys!