Order of Cloth Layers

Ok could be stupid query here but oh well!

Was wondering when doing a glassing job with 4 and 6 oz cloth on the deck, which layer of cloth goes against the foam?

Thinking the 4oz goes against the foam, keep the 6oz on the outside for strength against pressure dings, but the 4oz on the outside might be good also to allow more resin through into the 6oz glass underneath?



when you bond a layer of 6 to a layer of 4 with resin,  you have one unit.  The 6 on the outside will make no diff. And as I have contended in other threads, putting the 4 oz on the outside will allow you to use less fill coat, and save some weight.


check this thread...

i just did a lamination (my 4th board) and put the 6 on the foam and the 4 over it... i've only used 6 before... the 4 was much easier to wrap around the rails and seemed like it took less to fill/hot coat maybe saving weight???

I learned to glass doing 4 oz bottoms and 6/4 decks. We always put the 6 oz on top. The reason being that it was easier to get the resin out of the 6 oz cloth's looser weave. Makes it easier to get a tight, light lamination. Greg may have a point about taking less resin to fill coat, but I had lots of luck using this glass schedule.


when you bond a layer of 6 to a layer of 4 with resin,  you have one unit.  The 6 on the outside will make no diff. And as I have contended in other threads, putting the 4 oz on the outside will allow you to use less fill coat, and save some weight.



Hmmmmm..........Ok....I agree.....I'm following GregTate's thread about weight..........6/4 or 4/6.......2.3 over 6.......ect.....


I'm not even looking at it like Greg....nope...We're low tech over here...

4oz goes on top because 4oz is easy to work with. 4oz lams wrap better and the sanding/blending is faster and easier....

And that's it.....

...But wait ......There's more.....

I don't really care what's right or wrong or better or stronger....4oz over 6oz works for me and my Bros over here........

...at the Low Tech Lab...


Have fun.....Stingray......

Yup, I normally put the 6ounce under the 4, normally dont lap the 6 all the way round onto the bottom just to where the rail starts to go underneath. This way when you lap the 4 around and over it you get a staggered join and its easier to feather and sand out the bottom laps later if that makes any sense… Thats just how i do it!

    Howzit stingray,I always put the 6oz on top and wrapped the rails since it makes for stronger rails and makes it easier to wet out the 6oz. OT found out today I have low red blood cell count and have to go through a bunch of tests so they can find out why. Best scenerio in anemia,worst is colon cancer. Aloha,Kokua 

Kokua that is fukn heavy.  I wish you all the best mate, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of Sways crew praying for you.

    Howzit marsh,I already went through one bout with cancer in Jan of 09 and refuse to go through another, just give me the pain meds.Aloha,Kokua


    Howzit stingray,I always put the 6oz on top and wrapped the rails since it makes for stronger rails and makes it easier to wet out the 6oz. OT found out today I have low red blood cell count and have to go through a bunch of tests so they can find out why. Best scenerio in anemia,worst is colon cancer. Aloha,Kokua 



Hang in there Brother Kokua....My wife has health problems....I understand the crazy shit people go through....Do what your heart tells you.

I agree that wrapping the 6 oz would be stronger. As a matter of fact when Clark shut down and we switched to EPS foam all the boards were done with 6 bottom and two 6 top.......


The EPS foam is much better now and The Low Tech Lab can now get good PU foam...and with good foam we can use less glass.......... AND......we ride mushy waves in Carlsbad ,Ca.

Not heavy overhead Hawaii.....



You can solve the issue of resin penetrating through a finer weave outer layer by doing this:  Fold back the top layer from the middle back to one end.  Make two narrow pours and quicky spread.  Fold the top layer over it and repeat at the other end.  Smooth out the top layer, pour out the rest, and squeegee down.  I started doing this with epoxy, and now use it for poly also. 

   Hozit stingray. Stool blood tests came backnegative thank goodness. The bummer is I will miss the sway get together due to more tests, Does it ever end, I am over it all and am ready to just ready to stop all meds and just go for it since I amin to quality of life not length. Aloha,Kokua