ordering blanks

since i cant seem to find joshmosh , would any of you guys out there be interested in sharing a blank order to new jersey , i need the board for an up coming trip.

yea when do you need it by and where are you?

im in bayville , near the toms river/seaside area. i need them as soon as i can get them.i hope you can help.

i will be up in springlake next friday night at 11. so unless you can either a.) order in good faith that i will pay for my blanks. or b.) wait for me to come up give you the money and then order

im going to try to work something out with joshmosh in spring lake , but if that doesnt work out ill deff. do a n order with you . If you want i can get a blank from josh for you if you want.

I am in Seaside Park i would be interested in doing a joint order with someone, so give me a heads up.


he’s of of the blank i was loooking at so if i don’t order on my own i will buy from him later this summer