So, I’m going to visit Orkney to trace my grandfather’s roots a bit during the first week of June while I’m in the European quadrant. Any Orkney folks out there? I know Thurso is pretty popular, but I’m not sure about the ability and time to get around while I’m there for a few days. I’m sure June is not a great month for surf.
Hey Pompano, im not from Orkney but am only a couple hours away & my mother is from Lewis! Thurso is great, but can be fickle. Orkney has enormous potential (you will be very unlucky not to get waves over the course of 3-4 days,even in June) Real exposed Island and constant consistant wind. Picks up swell from the north sea from the NE-SE & all the big Atlantic swells from N & W. Skara brae has a wicked left point,long and consistant. Check out the really long perfect right hand break over flat reef just opposite Skail bay! I know of a few other spots that are rarely if ever surfed but you will have to PM me for treasured info… Only surfed over there 4 times, but never want to leave!! Oh if you take the crossing from Gill’s bay check out the point. Heavy hollow sectioning point that gets real big in NW swells. Enjoy Scotland & good luck with the research on the family tree. Slanj
Thanks for the hints. No surfshops to be seen, so I guess next time I’ll have to plan. There are definitely waves here. Saw the wave setups at Skaill Bay and they were showing some promise, but only about a metre of swell was going that day. Birsay Bay was also a most definite place to surf. There are a few setups there as well. Found my great great grandfather’s grave right on the ocean. That was awesome to know the salt water of the Atlantic runs deep in my roots. Turns out I have a bunch of family from Rousay, and island just north that I bet has good waves also. Will have to check that next time.
oops, sorry. double post. damn glasgow wireless.
Awesome stuff Pompano. I’m pleased you made some progress tracing your family tree! I am out in Orkney in 3 weeks. Staying on Burray at Bu sands(best break in Orkney with an easterly swell) Yeah I know Rousay. Like I posted before it has endless possibility’s!! 70 islands & only 20 inhabited. The last time I was over we crossed to Westray & Beltane in my friends r.i.b and had a great clean session in 5ft glassy left handers! Slanj