Orlando Boardroom surf expo.

Anybody going? Anyone here showing some of their work at This show?  

It’s Sept 6th - Hope to make it, and would be nice to meet up with some of the Swaylocks crew.

Sways’ commercial (suppliers) brethren sponsoring Sways’ shed-dwellers and independents?

Perhaps this could extend beyond Orlando.

Cast your bread upon the waters.

Superior idea Ambrose (assuming our brothers and sisters are not seduced by the** **Dark Side).

**"I think
I think I am
Therefore I am
I think**

Of course you are my bright little star
I've miles and miles of files, pretty files of your forefather's fruit
And now to suit our great computer
You're magnetic ink

**I'm more than that
I know I am
At least, I think
I must be**

There you go man, keep as cool as you can
Face piles and piles of trials with smiles
It riles them to believe that you perceive the web they weave
**And keep on thinking free ... **"

(In the Beginning – On the Threshold of a Dream)

4 badges per 3k booth… 750 each… or just register as a buyer, mock up a biz card and go.

Ambrose I like your Thinking.  maybe next year.

you’re on a roll Ambrose!

how much is a booth these days?

if swaylox had a booth could we get a bunch o’

swaylocks guys in on the same pass?

subvert the system so to speak…

would the establishment spies be 

coping or copping  inspired sparks

of light from the underground …

as a social experiment the promoters

should give sways a booth for free…

or maybe fiberglass hawaii foamez et al

could be implicated in sponsoring sways 

an area promoting independent product use


Liberate information

Liberate design
