OT- Dawn Patrol North San Diego Cty 3/15?

Sorry for straying out of the “hookup” section of the forum, but I figured more eyes would see it here.

Rolling through the (N.SD) area to deliver a surfboard and visit moonlight glassing, trying to get out of town pretty early… Also trying to get a surf in that morning, wanted to see if any swaylockers here might be interested in hooking up for a dawn patrol. I’ve had a few folks tell me, “just hit up Swami’s, Cardiff, Ponto, etc…”… Which is great, but I’ve literally never surfed california and would prefer if I didn’t have to spend the time trying to locate and find the right parking at these admittedly famous, but unknown to me, spots. So, if anyone here might be free on a early thursday morning and wants to hit the water with a texas transplant who shapes better than he surfs, then hit me up! Hell, maybe we can get a few together and turn it into an impromtu sways gathering!

I’m leaving here tomorrow morn, so I’ll be sans computer after that, so this is way last-minute, but I’ll be checking back tonight.


PM sent . . .

If you get up into the SB channel give a shout.