OT- how to keep water camera lense clear?

I read a while back that someone figured out a simple widely available treatment for water housing lenses.  And had I been thinking, I would have saved the article.  I wasn’t thinking.  Hoping some of you were.


all the best

The one method I always use is to lick the **lens **after raising it up to frame a shot. I have heard that rubbing the front element of the lens with an apple slice helps, but I have not tried this.


Wet port method is to use spit or soap to break the surface tension of the beads and keep a thin film of water on a curved dome port as SammyA has posted.  Have heard of using potatoes and anti-fog plants that grow in Hawaii but don't know how well these work.  Dry port uses car wax to bead up water to make beads of water run off a flat port.  Have also used a silicone squeegee to wipe beads off with some success.  Car wax loses effectiveness, sooner in cold water, and rubbing vigorously with the palm of your hand can get the water beading up again.  Be careful of grains of sand when rubbing.  Have been warned not to use Rain-X on acrylic especially on edges and a Google search confirms this is probably true.  Hope this helps.




I know a couple old school shooters and they would tie a small piece of chamois on a bit of line to the camera and just give the lens a couple quick swipes before use. Give that a try.

Years ago, I read where some surf photogs kept a small chamois in their mouth. When needed, they bit on it to squeeze out moisture, then took it out and wiped the lens with it.

My photog friends told me about about using chamois to keep water drops off the lens. You have to get the oil out of the chamois first.

It’s been so long that I forgot the actual advice I was given.

I keep a small ziplock bag with some dishwashing soap in my pocket when I wear goggles surfing. If the goggles start fogging I just dip my finger in the bag and wipe the inside of the goggle. That might work for outside of cameras too.

I just did the hock-a-lugee-then-dip-the-camera thing all over the lens of my Nikonos II when I was a kid. I never got as advanced as the chamois trick, but I did drink milk before shooting so I had lotsa nice mucous going on. I hate to think I'm writing this on the interweb, where it will live forever...

Well, all of these seem worth a try.  I’ll experiment this weekend and let you know.  many thx


Semen. You gotta use soap to get that stuff off.

It’s your choice whether or not to tell anyone that you have some semen in a squirt bottle.

ANYTHING to get the shot!