OT Image Heavy - Old is New and New is Old Again

Various design related scans from the early 70’s only made it to 1977 so far…

spent the whole day scanning

the surfing pictures were something else as well…

I thought the tinkler tail stuff and Herbie’s stamp of approval of it was a great find…

Sorry about the sizes I just couldn’t handle up loading the bigger ones to photobucket for posting

remember that weird Mackie fish tail everyone was amped about a year ago?

Rolf after his world title

Fins Unlimited Lexan twins

Another Fins Unlimited design 30 years before the surfco version came out

Hynson DolFina and Brewer check the foil thicknesses

Love these rakes

The famous keel

Jeff Ho’s famous flex tail inspired by GG I bet

The famous Ho Feather Fin - built and rode one of these on my fish in the early 70s

Remerber that guy in AUS with his new fin

Herbie’s has a tinkler in his quiver in the lower left

Tinkler details sponsered by Herbie Fletcher and Challenger Surfboards

Friction Free Additive

Fins of Malibu notice the Keel and Spitfire at the end

To everyone who gave Roy a hard time check out what Tom Morey was pushing in the early 70’s

As Tom says “Now really feel the great beauty of every wave” with the “Ultraglide” years before Skip started the resurgence.

I’ll post all the composite and hollow stuff in another thread.

Alot of this stuff may have been before alot of folk here were even born

Again sorry for the sizes

Stick some new rails on there and two more fins and you pretty much have thirty going on forty years of innovation?

Its a worthy and interesting pursuit Oneula.

Yes, precedents…I think I even saw another take on that hammerhead tail in recent years too.

If i could have a dollar for every time…



best read I’ve had in a while- I’d love to get my hands on that Downing fin and a feather fin as well! Good stuff.