OT - MDF alternative

Hi.  I’d like to get the opinion of the Sways wood working crew.

I use MDF extensively in my art making activity.  I like it for it’s stability and its “sculptability”  (easy to carve).

I am aware of its health risks, but now, since I’m using it in our home and my daughter is showing signs of asthma I want to completely eliminate its use.  I’ve  done an extensive internet search for 1/8" formaldehyde free MDF to no avail.  So now I’m looking for an alternative.  1/8" birch ply came to mind, but the edge is extremely hard to carve (cutting perpendicular to the grain of the middle ply for example).  If you want an idea of what I’m doing here’s a work in progress- 



Any suggestions?  Or does anyone know a supplier or even producer of formaldehyde free 1/8" MDF??



Llilibel, if you are in Ca. there are now state mandates for anyone supplying and using sheet goods with formaldehyde. Meaning the onus is on us to disclose the use and presence of formaldehyde in any materials. This has started a “formaldehyde free” production of sheet goods. I think Far West Plywood in Pacoima(??) Ca. will be able to offer some info. MDF’s workability is great and it paints out nicely, but it isn’t what is was cracked up to be. The sawdust is HIGHLY flammable! I had a couple of knuckleheads working with me and came in to see them lighting plumes of dust into giant fireballs. Beware! As for gassing off after paint, I haven’t heard of any issues but it is certainly possible. Good Luck.

Thanks tblank. Didn’t know about the flammability issue.  I’m not worried about the gassing  problem.  Just the dust.

It’s good to hear about the disclosure mandate.  I’d been using the stuff for years and didn’t find out about the carcinogenic factor until I asked to have a sheet ripped at Home Depot and the kid there said “we’re not allowed to.  It’s a carcinogen.”   I was thinking then, “Yeah?  Thanks for not telling anyone.”

 I’ll give Far West a call although they are kind of far from me (South Bay).  Thanks again.

http://www.sierrapine.com/index.php?pid=68 this is what my dads company uses for mdf board :slight_smile:

There are a lot of suppliers near us that stock sheet material beside the usual suspects. You can use the truck, but it will require that you let me have a couple waves…

I’ve been away for a while.  Thanks for the replies.  Noob- I saw that Medex stuff but it only comesin 1/4" thickness and up. Afoaf- my vanagon will carry 4x8 sheets no problem.  Nice try. No waves for you.