ot: vitamins

Couple quick comments: B12 doesn’t absorb well so sub-lingual is the call (if ya can’t shoot up). Under the tongue bypasses digestion and absorbs moderately well.

Dean Eddell–the doc we love to hate. Enough said. His stance on circumcision is good but lot of what he says indicates he doesn’t read the literature very closely. There’s tons showing good preventive effects of vits. There is a lot of junk science being published trying to discredit more natural methods. Often study methodology is flawed, doses too low etc. Think Big Pharma bucks behind the scenes.


Moral of the story- the abuse will catch up to you. Do what you can to prevent it now.

Hells bells, gang…not just “abuse”…use will catch up to you! But you can’t and shoudn’t try to prevent “use” or your system will get out of whack and that’ll take you out. What was it Doc Paskowitz wrote years ago? It takes a fifteen mile hike in the mountains to burn off that hamburger and fries? Moderation, common sense, taken in moderation and applied to everything much of the time…

well today i went out and got 3 months worth of Sublingal B12 vitamins (there so nice! they taste like lollies!)


I do like all the advice given here but also understand you and your lifestyle. I think the pills are the wrong answer, go to your supermarket and look for the V8 fruit and vegetable juices. a glass of the fruit juice in the morning and the vegetable juice in the afternoon. tastes great too (especially the spicy one). this is good stuff and it contains some fiber too. V8 rules…

then you can start thinking about all the drinks you can mix with this juices… from bloody Mary’s to killer punches… give it a go

Couple quick comments: B12 doesn't absorb well so sub-lingual is the call (if ya can't shoot up). Under the tongue bypasses digestion and absorbs moderately well.

Dean Eddell–the doc we love to hate. Enough said. His stance on circumcision is good but lot of what he says indicates he doesn’t read the literature very closely. There’s tons showing good preventive effects of vits. There is a lot of junk science being published trying to discredit more natural methods. Often study methodology is flawed, doses too low etc. Think Big Pharma bucks behind the scenes.

That’s funny about his stance on circumcision because the latest research out of Africa shows uncircumcised males hive a higher chance of contracting and spreading the HIV virus than the circumcised males. Circumcision is bieng promoted in Africa to help prevent the spread of aids.

references upon request

I can’t believe you even know less about vitamins and thier function than board building.

you may have saw me coming but it doesn’t change how off base you are about the topic at hand. A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing in some peoples hands.

time to go to work, talk more at lunch (balanced diet with no need of b12 supplement)

"That’s funny about his stance on circumcision because the latest research out of Africa shows uncircumcised males hive a higher chance of contracting and spreading the HIV virus than the circumcised males. Circumcision is bieng promoted in Africa to help prevent the spread of aids. "

True dat.

But have you ever seen it done??? Did you have it done? They use no anesthetic. How about this-- within minutes of birth, entry shock, cold, harsh lights, noise and…they cut the tip of your dick off. Nice. Very nice. Is it any wonder that most men have deep reserves of unconscious anger and insecurity and are prone to posturing and acting tough if not overtly violent? Read surfermag.com. There’s many psychology nuts think this may be at the root (pardon the pun) of most wars and social violence. Having done a lot of deep regression and shamanic back tracking I’m inclined to agree. It is a dilemma re: the HIV bit.

Also, it is well documented that as the glans is covered in mucus membrane normally and once circumcised and exposed becomes basically callous and thereby looses about 80% of its sensitivity. Pause and ponder what sex might have been like. Most women who’ve had both prefer uncut. And yes, I have a grudge on about it.

Rant over. Sorry if I’ve disturbed anyone’s slumber.

Wheeeew, talk about veering off topic…