ot: vitamins

to anyone who’s reading and involves vitamins in their quiver.

I have a really specific diet. I eat Choclate, junk food, some other stuff and drink coke.

Sometime’s i get a little tied or run down and i reckon its got a lot to do with the stuff i’m missing out on by eating vegetable’s etc.

My question is…

Can anyone reccomend a good vitamin to take.

and what vitamins do you (if anyone does) take for surfing?




A good vitamin is not a substitute for a good diet. Use vitamins to supplement a good diet if you must. Take care of your body and it will last a lot longer and you will be able to maintain your surfing lifesyle into old age. Eat your veggies, young man. Mike


I’m with you man, chocolate all the way! But my mom’s a health nut and really into vitamins, so I’m taking Centrum (which has about every vitamin you could think of in it) and a chewable Vitamin C tablet to boost my immune system. I should also be taking Potassium to stop my legs from getting cramps on a daily basis, but I have yet to find some.

I think I eat salad twice a day now, only because the food in the university’s dining halls suck.


Whole Foods store brand B Complex Stress Formula

Bluebonnet B12 chewables or some other B12

What they said about diet

You’re already taking your vitamin ‘sea’ I hope?

Take it in healthy doses, you can never get too much.

Chocolate is actually good for you! But you must eat the unsweetened unprocessed hippy organic kind. Otherwise the sugar will kill ya in the end. Plus the processing they do removes a lot of the goods. (A side issue, or for me major issue is that the regular commercial stuff [ie not “fair trade”] all involves heaps of child slave labor and horrendous poverty and abuse of 3rd world people. Something to think about if you worry about eating karma!)

And yeah, vitamins are a great back-fill but no substitue for food. None of the things you listed are except chocolate (IF unsweetened etc) are actually food! They are all manufactured taste-bud ticklers and stimulants, designed by business people to make money without any concern for the health of those the money comes from. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

So, eatchyer vegies young man. And then find a multi that preferably has 4-6 pills per day vs one-a-day as the minerals take up so much room there aren’t hardly any in the one per day’s. Talk to folks working in the local health emporiums and don’t take their word for it but use that as points for research. If you start treating it like an experimental design problem it can be pretty fun and intersting.

And definitely good on ya for asking the question as really, the mass of people never even think about it until they collapse and come to see me and want me to fix it in one acupuncture treatment. Lots of luck I tell 'em.

“Live long and prosper”

try these. They even have chewables for the kiddies;


I don’t take vitamins, but I do drink a papaya smoothy with protein powder after every session. Here I can get 4-5 papayas for 1 dollar at the farmers market and they have lots of vitamins in them. I added the protein powder after my shoulder surgery last year. Trying to get that muscle back. After 8 months now I am starting to get some strength again. Just look for cheap fruits that are in season and blend with lots of water. Using water instead of juice cuts the calorie count alot. The protein powder isn’t cheap but it adds some good flavor and really helps with recovery.

Don’t know how old you are Josh, but it sounds like what you’re really suffering from is a case of Y.O.M.I.S. - young man’s immortality syndrome. If you love to surf start taking care of your body. This morning I was out wearing my hood and ear plugs and I could see the expression on the grom’s faces- like I was some kind of kook for wearing the hood. But I just had my ear operated this past summer because of 30+ years of dawn patrols. Moral of the story- the abuse will catch up to you. Do what you can to prevent it now. Maybe changing you diet can be your new year’s resolution. Taking a little pill won’t do it.


I’m with llibel03 here- at the tender age of 40 all those years of abuse from surfing, skating, martial arts, beer and general misbehaviour are beginning to catch up. Better to get good habits when you’re still a scrawny wee bugger! The exercise from surfing is a life saver, but you should help it out. Vitamins are an OK stop-gap but better to eat some real food- try replacing your breakfast/mid morning snack or whatever with fruit- a banana or two, apples, papayas and mangos are better than any multi vitamin and the good old Avocado is tastes finer than candy and so healthy you’ll want to hate it. With this technique you get the vitamins and a bit of fibre/natural food in you to. Our diets have evolved so horribly and fast in 2000 years from essentially all natural stuff to coke and pancake & sausage on a stick that our bodies can’t keep pace- throw some ‘real’ food in there and you’ll be OK, I’d hate to see you succumb to the Type 2 diabetes epidemic sweeping the sugar fueled world.

Coffee and aspirin or advil help in a pinch.

According to radio doc, Dr. Dean Eddell(sp?) vitamins are of little to no use. Gotta get it from diet!!


What’s wrong with fruit and veg, their nice and make you feel grand. Eat loads you’ll live better for longer.

Coffee and aspirin or advil help in a pinch.  

According to radio doc, Dr. Dean Eddell(sp?) vitamins are of little to no use. Gotta get it from diet!!


Diet is the first most important thing, and I don’t want to get in a big to-do over it

but a good B12 is a vitamin you can feel working that day, with sharpened mental acuity, increased stamina, and you find yourself doing things at the end of the day that you know you don’t usually do at the end of a day. B12 enhances your metabolization of glucose, which is your fuel you take in and manufacture from fat stores. If you buy crappy vitamins, nothing works.

The B12 I recommended above works.

I had a biology teacher thank me very much for reminding her of the role B12 plays in cognition when she mentioned her elderly mother’s slippage, which improved, and another professor who thanked me very much later for recommending some good B12 for her energy levels after a life-threatening illness left her with chronic low energy. She had a better quality fo life afterwards,a nd she’s someone who took and takes good care of herself, ate well, ran regularly before, and now does again.

I don’t know if you’ve ever had a regular old non-radio doctor give you a B12 shot to treat a cold, but they do that because of the enhancement supplemental B12 gives to metabolic processes.

Try it, don’t, your mileage may vary etc.http://www.google.com/search?q=B12%2Balzheimers&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

B12 dificiency is very common in vegan diets. High intake of folate in the vegan diet can mask B12 dificiency until irreversible neurologic damage has occured versus early detection with other symptoms in a non vegan.

B12 supplements would be a good idea for all vegans and I am not suprised you feel a boost with an already low to start with B12 diet.

B12’s importance regarding glucose metabolism would be low on the list or not on the list of the fucnton of B12 in DNA formation, neurological function or metabolism of the human body.

references upon request.

Hey Josh,

Based on your ‘diet’ you should feel tired.

I could write a whole lengthy dissertation on this subject but…

you might want to pick up a good book on the subject of health/fitness/nutrition.

Good multi-vitamin supps are avaiable anywhere. In addition, vit C is part of my program…B-complex is good when things are stressfull.

But what you eat is far more important. There are simple rules to follow; eat as many whole foods (not processed) as possible; the more colorful the healthier; avoid eating too many animal products. My favorite whole foods are nuts, eggs, olives, fruit juice and skim milk. Nuts make a great on the go snack.

wow! thanks for the many replies everyone! i’ll take it on board.

Wildy, I get vitamin “sea” at least 2 times a day so i shouldn’t have to bad a defficuncy haha.

Just read the stuff about B12 above…yeah take B12…the thing is tho it doesnt absorb very well so most of what you take is wasted. Many alt med Docs will prescribe B12 injections for people with deficiencies. The sublingual tinctures are supposed to work better wrt absorption. HTH

To quote George Burns who smoked 8 cigars a day and lived to the ripe old age of 99:

“I never eat health foods. At my age, I need all the preservatives I can get.”

But humor aside, genetics has alot to do with health. I tend to process cholesterol poorly, so I have to supplement with Borage oil, Salmon oil, Flax oil, and Niacin. I also take multi’s and Minerals. But the good Lord put tasty food here for a purpose. Veggie’s and fruit are the best for good health and the more we can eat of it the better.

I always feel better physically when I eat fresh food and force myself to drink lots and lots a water. Takes some discipline though, 'cause the food that’s so bad for the body usually tastes so good! Thinking of pumpkin pie, cheesecake, …oatmeal cookies…camembert cheese…white sourdough bread. HELP!


josh eat right that is most important. If i recall you are a teenage ,male. there is a specific vitamin forumla that i take which my dad sells out of his office.as a testament i have had perfect attendance in school from 7th grad through thus far in 12th.(it would be an entirely different story if i went to school by the beach)


B12 dificiency is very common in vegan diets. High intake of folate in the vegan diet can mask B12 dificiency until irreversible neurologic damage has occured versus early detection with other symptoms in a non vegan.

B12 supplements would be a good idea for all vegans and I am not suprised you feel a boost with an already low to start with B12 diet.

B12’s importance regarding glucose metabolism would be low on the list or not on the list of the fucnton of B12 in DNA formation, neurological function or metabolism of the human body.

references upon request.

Hi OTAY! Saw you coming from way up the street!

Have a nice day!

