Our future ?

Found this. It has some parallels of what may come of surfboard construction. 10 years? 20? 30???

Hey, that was a pretty interesting article… I remember somebody giving a talk in one of the National Parks when I was a kid about how making the arrowheads was a bit more difficult than it looked, expecially out of obsidian…

So you think the modern shaper will be using technology rather than his hands to shape the board of the future? It sure seems like it’s headed that way, with more and more of the top shapers using shaping machines. I sort of feel like there will always be a contingent of hand shapers though. Either those who just like to make stuff by hand, or those that refuse to change. It’d be awfully hard to construct a hollow like Paul Jensens with a machine. At least his type of construction. Perhaps it’s somewhat similar to the way that computers themselves have gone? In my eyes, home computing has gone drastically toward what I like to call “computers for dummies”. Taking the control away from the end user. My folks started in computers way back when it was changing wires, punchcards, reel-to-reel, and computers that took the whole darn floor of a building. They and their friends were very connected to how the computers worked (dad was a programmer), and there are several who still refuse to use Windows and much prefer a Unix/Linux/other environment. The programmers (shapers?) continue to work (shape?) in an environment that is conducive to their craft. To the backyard/garage shaper like many of us are, I think we’ll still be shaping by hand for many a year. I do admit a certain interest in being able to design a board on-screen and have the shaping machine whip it out. Then instead of having to start over again on the next board to change something, you could go into your original design and modify it from there… Seems like there’s already a few guys on Swaylocks that are using computers to at least give them a template… Perhaps that’s just reinforcing your point…

so for only $29.95 I can buy a book about flintknappers?

Does it show how to do free knaps and cut knaps?

Who among us is going to be the first to make a board by knapping?

Do knappers take knaps when they are tired?

Too funny, Keith.

In 20 years you’ll be able to buy a book about ancient handbuilt surfboards. An ancient tradition passed along generation to generation that was once in danger of dying out (1989-1999) in the time know as pre-Swaylocks. Swayaholics revived the spirit and transfer of surfcraft construction knowledge and soon Sway-festivals sprouted up around the globe.

Our version of Ishi is Tom Stone (new Swaylock member) who is already building with “primitive” tools. Or perhaps Jim Phillips who is very willing to share knowledge to those who ask. There are others who are keeping us on the path.

Nice thing to know is that custom board building is not going away. The handbuilt industry may die a slow death due to cheap imports and they may change the materials on us but the transfer of knowledge and the stoke to build your own will endure. If people still make arrowheads and have “Arrowhead builders anonymous” gatherings in the face of modern weaponry, then we’ve got nothing to worry about.

Time for a knap,