Out of the loop

Anybody here know whatever became of Fish kneeboarders Tom Wolverton, Rex and Mark Huffman, John Brockway?

Whatever became: illness, injuries, decrepitation. Think about whats happening NOW- not way back THEN. Fishermen and their fish really stink bad after 30 years. Move on dude.

That was a bit unnecessary.

So much for knowing the history of your sport! 30 years from now nobody will give a shit about you either…dude

30 years? nobody gives one now http://www.surfboardglassing.com

Man am I glad I’ve been fishin’ for 55 years. When I paddle out in the line up I always have it to myself; everybody paddles away cause I stink so bad. Good thing there ain’t any catfish in the breaks around here ~ they’d have me for lunch. Trouble is there’s some guy sellin’ nose plugs on the beach now (-; http://www.mavsurfer.com/mavsurfer_00/mavtv/mavtv.html !! check it out !! The southerlies should die down in about 5 hours or so. It’s only a mile off shore and 30 feet, paddle out! Good Surfin’, Rich

Are you the same Dave Williams that used to surf and kneeboard in brigantine?

We just had 6-10 meters high swell over the last couple of days, unfortunatly(or not) it’s been blown out. A big wave surf competition was planned, but canceled due to the wind. Still, the swell is still 2-4 meters and we’re finally getting some weak offshore wind tomorrow. Should be GOOD! regards, Håvard

Huffman’s are in san diego still surfing.I heard rex hffman has been to tavarua 30 times and still rides unreal.I talked to john Brockway last week.He lives in oregon,windsurfs and kneeboards and rides mats and now snowboards with his son and wife.He was om maui for 10 yrs or so. John is a great guy and still has my favorite Lis fish of all time-a brown one,stringerless and a board that would work at any size! he still has it! The guys mentioned are probably some of the top kneeriders Iv’e ever seen -unbelievable speed and balls.John said he loved to ride his mat at honolua bay haha- classic John

for the guy that said ,“who cares what happened 30 yrs ago” well guess what those guys were riding boards and doing things on those little fishes that the NEW generation is just starting to do.AND if you have not checked lately ,YOU ARE making "old school " fishes which are nothing more than, lis fish kneeboards , from 30 yrs ago.

Hey John I rode my 4th gear flyer when I lived on Maui at Honolua and at Maalaea fun stuff.

Hi kirk,I heard your board collection is extensive! The John we were talking about had a 4th gear flyer when I met him at el cap one day.Speaking of epic point breaks ,i heard some rare points were good yesterday! Too big and stormy here.Iam working in SB harbor next week, again for awhile, and looking forward to surfing points again .

good and crowded-40 plus at a spot in town??? same at other “rare birds”-bummer…

yeah Mat ,I heard the SPOT was on the front page of paper with 50 plus out! OUCH!Makes me want to jump a 747 to warm good surf–somewhere!

down here you struggle to find someone to surf with…and surfing alone is no fun ,so you go to a place with a crowd ,like 6 guys is crowded,on the 3rd day of surf, ahhhhhhhh west oz ,size ,solitude,selection,sun,and grinding point breaks that growl “feeeed meee boards” regards BERT

down here you struggle to find someone to surf with…and surfing alone is no fun ,so you go to a place with a crowd ,like 6 guys is crowded,on the 3rd day of surf, Don’t worry Bert…now we’re on our way! :wink:

yeah bert-- what about those island boat trips??? off of western oz??Do you ever run into Rich Myers???

Did you make any waves? Or just ride the soup? Mats are for kooks who havent learned to surf. After that you stood up the right way?

Not you again!! When will you just go to jenny craig and leave us alone?

I can be a fat bufoon if I want!