Outrigger Canoes

I’m looking for some outrigger canoe plans, construction methods, etc. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks Pete

I’m looking for some outrigger canoe plans, construction methods, etc. Can > anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks Pete yeah Pete, I have been making a half hearted search for the same information for some time. I have a long term goal to build a 4 person surfing canoe but with other commitments I’m not expecting to get serious for at least another year. Now as far as info-The Longboard Grotto (see ad in Longboard Magazine)advertises 2 books that sound promising “Hawaiian Canoe” and “Hawaiian Canoe Buiding”, however when my wife went to order both these titles for my birthday in August she was told they were ‘temporarily unavailable’, so I’ll try again soon and post here if successful. There are plenty of books on Canoe construction available try canoe or outdoor suppliers, One i bought is called “Building a Strip Canoe” very informative, step by step, on building a canoe from strips of cedar then glassing it just like a board but the plans they give are for boy scout type canoes, but you coud adapt it for an outrigger style hull if you could get plans or specs from else where. Of course there are commercially available outrigger canoes in OC1, OC2, OC4, and OC6 set ups but they are expensive and wheres the fun in buying what you could build ? There is lots of info on the web but no one seems to be giving away outrigger plans, or even selling them for that matter, but i have slowly been piecing info together,try searching under outrigger canoe, Proa (another word for same) and check out The Polynesian Voyaging Society or Dana Point Outrigger Club where the late Lorrain ‘Whitey’ Harrison built surfing canoes. Any way good luck and post back if you come up with something and I’ll do the same.

Pete/Paul - There has been an ad running in a local (San Luis Obispo Co.) “Easy Ad” paper listing a “One of a kind Lorran Harrison design 16 ft. Outrigger w/paddles. Great for surfing, fishing, training. $2000. 805-995-1002 or 995-1233 Cayucos, CA.” I have a book “The Stripper’s Guide to Canoe Building” by David Hazen that is a pretty decent basic book on cedar strip construction. (Tamal Vista Publications 222 Madrone Ave. Larkspur, Ca 94939. Link below.) He includes full size templates for the framework and includes plans and templates for kayaks as well. Once you understand the method, it is not that hard to modify the templates and strongback length to accomodate longer, wider specs. I don’t know the guy selling the outrigger but I DO know that the ad has been running for at least several weeks and this is NOT a good time of year to be selling a boat. Maybe he would take an offer or even give/sell you some specs off his? http://www.cyberis.net/~innercom/Canoe/boatsphot.html

Thanks for the info, I’m just in the research stage right now. I keep you posted. Pete/Paul - There has been an ad running in a local (San Luis Obispo Co.) > “Easy Ad” paper listing a “One of a kind Lorran Harrison > design 16 ft. Outrigger w/paddles. Great for surfing, fishing, training. > $2000. 805-995-1002 or 995-1233 Cayucos, CA.” I have a book “The > Stripper’s Guide to Canoe Building” by David Hazen that is a pretty > decent basic book on cedar strip construction. (Tamal Vista Publications > 222 Madrone Ave. Larkspur, Ca 94939. Link below.) He includes full size > templates for the framework and includes plans and templates for kayaks as > well. Once you understand the method, it is not that hard to modify the > templates and strongback length to accomodate longer, wider specs. I don’t > know the guy selling the outrigger but I DO know that the ad has been > running for at least several weeks and this is NOT a good time of year to > be selling a boat. Maybe he would take an offer or even give/sell you some > specs off his?