outside rail bogging

does this ever happen to you ? ( as in shot #2 )

buttons pulled it out and got tubed …I , however , am not always so lucky [/ ?highly skilled?] !!

…seems to happen on my fish , more than my other boards .

Any comments ?


the over simplified '‘down rail’'experimental rail shape shows it’s #1

performance flaw in photo #2

in sail boards for slalom sailing this became a useable

feature when sailing flat to weather.

the resistance proved valuable to set course as a

keel the length of the entry to tail,

the keel being a missing feature in the sailboard simplicity.

in the interior curves of wave riding

this down rail feature becomes an achillies heel.

the chine from nose to 1/3 back

allows relief from this 'catching a rail ’

the alteration is easily added to the finised down railer after glassing,grind a band tapering to 1/3

and reglass.

the down rail in flat surfaces accesses the lift so popular in the stacked rails of 1969

by the way down railers and stacked rails are direct decendants of of the bunker rode

bob smith edge boards that overthrew the heirarchy at pipeline

by going right and making waves.

this buttons wave is likely to be on the same stretch of beach.

the fin on this buttons wave was likely

small and therefore avaliable to be disengaged

and swivel into side slide glide release from jeopardy


see buttons 360 ing slide outs of same period

Free Ride?

mc coy and the oter guy… hoole? flick

never saw it but I bet thats where the photos are

[this man is good !]

…it’s 1975, style masters but yes ,

here’s the fin you speak of and yes other footage of “montgomery” shows him at at v-land , spinning full carve 360s on exiting the tube …what a master !!

Buttons was definitely a prodigy. New school moves in the 70s.

I did something on the board I just built that I’ve never seen on production boards- I put a bevel (chine) on the rails under the nose, kind of like what you would see on a longboard, but this is a 6-4 high performance short board. It is only under the flip tip portion of the rocker (first foot and a half or so). I figured the flip tip is to prevent pearling and the bevel would help prevent pearling when doing a late angle takeoff. I faired it in with soft edges so you don’t notice it visually, but the shallow band I cut in was about 1/4" deep or more right at the nose. I don’t know if its working but I haven’t pearled yet and we had some pretty steep, lined up waves this past weekend ( albeit small) and I had a couple of late angle take offs. But you know what the unexpected payoff is? I can nose ride this little sucker like its going out of style- cheater fives all day long, on steep sections and it doesn’t pearl or catch an edge. It’s now known as my 6-4 nose rider.

you got it kiddo!

only on longboards HA!!!

yes over coming the CROCK O" SHIP

that long and short design configurations are so far apart

is the first step to understanding the fact that 'short’boards

can become consideraly shorter.

cut off the pointy little demonstrative nose 6’’ back

and you approach the 5’ long wetted rail line

case is open and shut slam dunque

the shorter ya go the more spinny outty ya get…

maintaining control as the waves get bigger is the imperative

too stiff is catchy-boggy

tooloose is -speed loss and self victiizing

Conrad and the carving 360 in the 50’s 60’s

the magic combination of fin area and wetted surface area

alas ,we be just mortal …


6’3 1972 cheater five bay bowl eater

1982 mild mid summer maddness 5’10

2004 took one to swayloholix annomyus

travel board too has nose configuration

much like the original nuu nose rider

splash rail chine dosent exhibit surface tension drag

common to round rail or dig common to down rail

best o’ both whorltz

blending m out obscures them majikal rails from the un be livers

cllifton granite’s new improved o-hydro hull-ova

gotta get a board that finally works for breakably cheep

design configuration dates back to redwood solids

note,it aint new,just over looked

and obscured by time and JIVE MARKETING

production surfboards do not foster articulated shapes beyond production parameters

Thank you for that explanation Ambrose. I made two 10’ers, one with turned down rails and one with soft 50/50 rails. I got pitched off the side tons more with the turned down rails. I tried a smaller fin on it and decreased my outside rail grabs by at least 50%. Didn’t know why until now. Maybe I’ll put a smaller fin on the soft railer, too. Changed fins from a 10" cutaway to an 8 1/2" standard. The things you learn. Wow!!