Over one in a million chance meeting...

Me, down in San Diego rolling around on a folding bike, sees fellow former moderator Lee V walking the walk…

I say “Lee?”…He says “Paul?”…

Small world…

A couple of ol’ cotton heads.  Classic.  How cool is that?  Mike

A real Oooooweeeeeoooo moment!  Great seeing you Paul!  I hope the workshop is a great success and you two get to see the sun for a bit the next few days.

is that what law street looks like?

I remember it in 1963…

is my pgraph memory functioning?

or is thet scripps peir…

mebe I’ll go check some photes





swaylixs are everywhere…

Law st in front of Capri…I knew it well

I love the add for Tide Laundry Detergent that falls over the head and body of the guy on the right.  What is with those damned google adds on he right side of the screen.  Is there any way to make them go away or format the screen so they do not interfear?

Paul, do you remember this one: http://www2.swaylocks.com/forums/oam-balsa-bill-sends-me-to-bring-gift-to-guilhem-french-william-aka-balsa ?

It seems that Sway's is prone to this kind of thing....

don’t know what browser you use, but if you use Firefox (which is a free download) and ad-block (which is also a free download), you won’t see any ads at all.

hey Mako, try holding "control" and pushing the " - " button...

holding "control" and pushing the " + " will do the opposite.


Huge THANKS!!!  That has plagued my enjoyment of this site for ages.  Anytime there was a photo near the top of a thread it would be blocked by a google add.  The add in fixed it.