Overheard at Sacred Craft on Saturday. Al Merrick sells Channel Islands Surboards to Hurley. Becomes pastor at local "start-up" church. ??????????????????? True or False?
he sold CI to Burton years ago…
Being a Legendary Board shaper doesn’t make you impervious to the God virus!
Don’t they all and doesn’t there always need to be a new start up church of " What’s happening now. "
his son is a pastor at a local church.perhaps they are going to join forces...ci sold to burton and nike owns hurley, sooo, perhaps nike bought out burton,which would then give them ci and hurley...hmmmmm rumor mill...
Perhaps Al is just a shrewd businessperson who managed to sell CI to Hurley *after* he already sold it to Burton.
Well, that wouldn’t be very christian of him, would it?
And why would anyone care? !!!!!
But it would be about normal for most I have seen with the fish known as the Watch Thy wallet symbol. When you see that in business you had best put your hand on thy wallet.
“When doing business with a religious bastard… …get … it… in …writing”
- William S Burroughs -
“Words of Advice For Young People”
I remember reading in the newspaper and Surfer/Surfing during the '90's that Oneil was sold to Some NBA Basketball star and a group of investors. I think it was around that time that Oneil became "Oneil International". Supposedly they purchased only the clothing line. Was Oneil actually sold? I don't know. Oneil continues to operate as a family business with its headquarters where they have been for years; 41st av. in Capitola(SC). Was CI sold "en toto" to Burton or just some piece of it. Did the deal go thru(ie close escrow)? Is Hurley or Nike involved in all this some how? I got no idea. Just something I was told by an individual at Sacred Craft. Is Al pastoring a church? Good possibility. He has been a serious Christian for many years. It is interesting though that in today's society people generally want to make their millions "before" they deny themselves and go into ministry. Postponing until later in life when it's more convenient.
Ha ha…very true. Unfortunately. At least the ones that plaster it everywhere and tell everyone about it.
Just something I was told by an individual at Sacred Craft.** A good indication there is probably no truth what so ever with it.** He has been a serious Christian for many years. Which means what? It is interesting though that in today’s society people generally want to make their millions “before” they deny themselves and go into ministry. Postponing until later in life when it’s more convenient. Exactly…see first comment. Still best to keep your hand firmly attached to your wallet with most of that crowd with their fish symbols and surf ministries.