Pacific Surf Industries Opens Epoxy Glass Shop

In addition to PU Foam, Custom Stringers, Custom Glue ups , Re-Glues and Air Brushing PSI Has opened a dedicated Epoxy Glass Shop. We are located at 15632 Product Ln Huntington Beach CA 92649. Our Phone number is 714-934-8500 and 714-837-7315. We are able to handle high volumes with all of our services. Check out our pricing and quality on PU foam, nobody beats our value for the dollar.

Mike Huseman

What epoxy resin do you use over the PU foam? What glass schedule?

Mike, Harland (KG) has told me they use resin research on their PU blanks. with standard glassing weights and sched.

That is not true. We do not glass Epoxy over PU.

If you are not glassing epoxy over PU then you are missing out on a really nice combo. Try it, you might just find a new love.

Hi Mike, there may have been some confusion, I was replying to the other Mike (NSSURF) and I was refering to Kane Gardens epoxy boards. I was in no way trying to spread any disinfo on your company.


No Problem, no offence taken. My bad
